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View Poll Results: Wrong or Right?
Israel 13 22.81%
The rest of the middle east 9 15.79%
None. They should all find a way of living together peacefully 35 61.40%
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Old 07.13.2006, 04:27 AM   #1
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Israel has moved into Lebanon and the violence is escalating.
This poll is about who's wrong... or should they all reach an agreement and live as peaceful neighbours?
What can be done to resolve the conflict?
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Old 07.13.2006, 04:40 AM   #2
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Oh fuck, this is a tough and complicated one. From my uninformed standpoint they seem to be as bad as each other, but Israel does seem to have a knack of fighting fire with inferno.

Although their living together as peaceful neighbours would obviously be the desirable situation, I don't see how it's ever going to happen as long as outside forces keep effectively bankrolling the conflict.
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Old 07.13.2006, 07:58 AM   #3
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more like they should all go fuck themselves rather than try to coexist peacefully. i'm sick of their shit. it's a more attainable goal anyway.
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Old 07.13.2006, 08:54 AM   #4
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The situation is complicated to say the least. Israel does often instigate the other peoples of the area. They want war. The Israeli's can be just as pig-headed and racist as the rest of the people of the Middle East. It's no one countries fault concerning the areas instability. All the countries in that area hate each other, but they all gang up on Israel. I really don't know why people are fighting over a really crummy peice of land anyway. It's a fucking desert! I know it's holy to so many of the people, but come on!!!! Why can't they all just share that pile of shit they call home? That whole situation in the Middle East is one giant knot that unfortunately will never ever be resolved. They'll all continue to kill and maim each other until they kill every last person there. And then America can use that land to raise cheap cattle and hemp.
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Old 07.13.2006, 09:04 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Cantankerous
more like they should all go fuck themselves rather than try to coexist peacefully.

Make love (to yourself), not war.

Has a nice ring to it...
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Old 07.13.2006, 09:44 AM   #6
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I'm Yasser Arafat's successor.
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Old 07.13.2006, 09:45 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I'm Yasser Arafat's successor.
*coughs and restrains himself from saying anything offensive*

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Old 07.13.2006, 09:45 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Cantankerous
more like they should all go fuck themselves rather than try to coexist peacefully. i'm sick of their shit. it's a more attainable goal anyway.

I agree, I am sick of their shit. They should work out a solution, however bad it is for both.

Think only of the economics, how much is this stupid thing costing everybody every year? And America is paying for Israel I guess.
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Old 07.13.2006, 09:48 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by porkmarras
*coughs and restrains himself from saying anything offensive*

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Old 07.13.2006, 10:34 AM   #10
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I think the idea of attacking a nation because some militants kidnapped one soldier, in which you end up killing 45 enemy soldiers and 40 civilians (as of yesterday morning), and thn claiminhg that the attacke dnation, when it atacks back and takes two of your soldiers prisoner, is an act of war is fucking ridiculous. Israel has attacke dan ddestroyed the airport (caus only "terrorists" fly right?) and attacked and destroyed the only power plant in lebanon (becaue only "terorists" use electricity right?) and it makes me sick. this whole bullshit about the kidnapped soldier is a red herring. this attack was planned for months and maybe years. this is a full scale invasio of gaza and the violence will soon escalate. gasoline will rise to $100 a barell or more, and we wil witness the start of world war II, as dictated and planned by the mambers of the current administration and their lackeys in Israel, and Britain and wherever else. The end is nigh people. The ardent zionist fundamentalist christians want israel to exist solely for the purpose of starting what they consider armageddon. those are the peiople that are running the US now. Have fun.

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Old 07.13.2006, 10:41 AM   #11
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I wasn't fully aware of what this was about until I saw the news this morning and I want to change my vote. Israel is a cunt
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Old 07.13.2006, 11:00 AM   #12
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I know its more complicated but as far as I can tell if everybody there put a little less emphasis on their religeon, and paid a little less attention to everybody elses, then theirs no reason the two societies couldnt coexist peacefully.

Anyway UN international intervention kicked this whole thing off and its the only way it'll get sorted.
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Old 07.13.2006, 11:01 AM   #13
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Peace, for fuck sake cant we all just get along!
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Old 07.13.2006, 01:37 PM   #14
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well then they wouldnt have everyone under their control now would they. or get those big fat cheques from the US.
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Old 07.13.2006, 01:48 PM   #15
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It would seem that most governments and people of authority actually thrive on paranoia now, instead of letting it threaten them, so all of that which we see or read or hear about in the media may just be one big, lumpy tumour of an excuse for all these governments and points of authority and politicians to get together and have one big, mass blood orgy. Of course, either way, it won't really, actually matter to anyone until it affects them directly, as proven by 9/11. And even then, it won't even affect 100% of the people, as evidenced by the aftermath of 9/11.
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Old 07.13.2006, 02:21 PM   #16
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the israeli government is out of control in general. the majority of israeli citizens have plenty of contempt for the actions of their government as they know that such actions do nothing but further endanger their lives.

america's decision to start a war with afghanistan because a terrorist organization has bases there has opened up a nasty can of worms. now any nation can use that conflict as an example of how terrorism is supposed to be combatted.

while the rest of the world can come out strongly against the disproportionate actions of the israeli government and the IDF, america (not that they'd say anything anyway, for some ludicrous reason...) can't say anything without looking entirely hypocritical.

why america ever supported the possibility for a country the size of new jersey to have the fourth largest army in the world as well as nuclear arms is a mystery to me. i'd love to see how much more willing to be a partner in peace israel would be if they had a military the size of lebanon or syria...
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Old 07.13.2006, 02:47 PM   #17
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Japan wants to "pre-emptively" strike at North Korea.

India wants to do the same to Kashmir

The Israilies are doing the same right now.

Condaleeza Rice and Preznit Bush have both said they are preparing the US military for the occassion when Fidel Castro dies, so they can invade ( my word, they say "Go there") and try to keep Fidel's sons from continuing communist rule in Cuba.

It is all a crock of shit. a big steamy crock of shit, left on all day to get soft and tender.

and yet we do not invade Darfur, we do not invade Sierra Leone, we do nothing to help the people of Nigeria, we do nothing to help the violent corruption in south america. we actually facilitate the corruption in south america.

the Russians, our new "friends" have in the past year taken governtment control (i.e. totalitarian control) of all the broadcasting, newspapers and public media, they have taken al the Russian energy companies (opil and gas) out of private hands by force and coercion and put them under government control. Right back to a totalitarian state. Are we doing anything about that?

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Old 07.13.2006, 02:49 PM   #18
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How would any other nation react to continious attacks on it`s soil by militant groups from a neighbouring country, while the government of this country does nothing to stop it?

How would any other nation react to an attack carried out on their soil to kidnap their soldiers by those militants?
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Old 07.13.2006, 02:56 PM   #19
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militant groups are militant groups. the attacks that Israel is actively pursuing right now are against the actual infrascturcture of the "nation", not attacks on the militants that they seek. They are destroying bridges, power stations, schools. airports, infrasrtucture, things that are used by the masses of people not byt the assholes firing rockets into israel. civilians are dying, regular people. they commit the exact same acts of murder as the people that attack and murder Israelites. eye for an eye huh?

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Old 07.13.2006, 02:59 PM   #20
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and damn, soldiers exist for two purposes and two purposes only. to KILL the enemy and die trying or to DIE defending atatcks from an enemy.

preznit bush dodged military service rather than give the "ultimate sacrifice" as he so likes to put it. so did Clinton. John Kerry, the only person running for president in the last 10 years that has actual military service, was laughed at for his anti war stance. now, who is better to tell you that war sucks? a soldier that has seen it and killed and seen his friends die trying to kill.

yet we laughed at hima nd elected a puppet of fat fucks.
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