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Old 02.13.2010, 02:43 PM   #1
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I Keep seeing this word again and again on this board. Anyone wanna weigh in on this?
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Old 02.13.2010, 02:46 PM   #2
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genteel death.
Sarcasm[A] is stating the opposite of an intended meaning especially in order to sneeringly, slyly, jest or mock a person, situation or thing

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Old 02.13.2010, 03:14 PM   #3
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It could be said (in fact it has) that much of Europe's intellectual direction since WWII has been an attempt to fully understand (ultimately in order to eradicate) the idea of fascism, both as a political structure and as a mental condition and most interestingly try and understand why so many people feel so drawn to its power. In a way, the fact that people use the word so openingly and in so many contexts only demonstrates the various ways in which it can exist within a (non-fascist) society.
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Old 02.13.2010, 05:07 PM   #4
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facism is an intentional misspelling fascism, though since the word is not English there is truly no standard English spelling, because in the academic world you find both spellings used interchangeably.

fascism is an extreme rightist, conservative, authoritarianism with a distinctive essence of patriotic nationalism. It is a fairly common reaction to the surge in nationalism in post-19th century Europe considering the authoritarian history of European government.
As to if there is some other meaning behind the intentional misspelling other than it being a coincidence I do not know, maybe some sonic veteranos can explain this, I am from the post-ATL era.
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Old 02.13.2010, 08:53 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
facism is an intentional misspelling fascism, though since the word is not English there is truly no standard English spelling, because in the academic world you find both spellings used interchangeably.

No you don't. Ever. I have never seen the word 'fascism' spelt 'facism' in any serious paper, journal or book. In fact, my American word-checker says that facism isn't a word.

EDIT: let me clarify that - if English borrows a word (which we have done, since before WWII), that doesn't immediately mean that a standardised spelling doesn't appear. English is built upon borrowed words, and we tend to standardise the spellings thereof. 'Standardise' and 'standardize' are examples of words with the same definitions and alternate spellings; 'facism' and 'fascism' are not.
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 02.14.2010, 06:58 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Glice
No you don't. Ever. I have never seen the word 'fascism' spelt 'facism' in any serious paper, journal or book. In fact, my American word-checker says that facism isn't a word.

EDIT: let me clarify that - if English borrows a word (which we have done, since before WWII), that doesn't immediately mean that a standardised spelling doesn't appear. English is built upon borrowed words, and we tend to standardise the spellings thereof. 'Standardise' and 'standardize' are examples of words with the same definitions and alternate spellings; 'facism' and 'fascism' are not.


Philosopher of Facism Giovanni Gentle

Definition-Facism from US Legal Definitions.com

in fact, just google search "Facism" and click "Scholar" option and a list of dozens and dozens of scholarly articles come up..

The neo-facist State: notes on the pathology of power in the Third …

A EQBAL - Arab Studies Quarterly, 1981 - Spring
Commemorate the Victory Over German Facism! Carry the Struggle …

L Ruiqing - Peking Review
Verstehen, Holism and Facism


Psychoanalysis and facism: two incompatible approaches. The difficult role of …

AM Accerboni - Rev Int Hist Psychanal, 1988 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

aside from the fact that when I was doing my senior thesis on the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, I came across that particular spelling in at least six different primary sources from the 1930s..

try not to sound so authoritative in the future when you are not as well informed as you believed : )
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Old 02.14.2010, 07:36 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous

Philosopher of Facism Giovanni Gentle

Definition-Facism from US Legal Definitions.com

in fact, just google search "Facism" and click "Scholar" option and a list of dozens and dozens of scholarly articles come up..

The neo-facist State: notes on the pathology of power in the Third …

A EQBAL - Arab Studies Quarterly, 1981 - Spring
Commemorate the Victory Over German Facism! Carry the Struggle …

L Ruiqing - Peking Review
Verstehen, Holism and Facism


Psychoanalysis and facism: two incompatible approaches. The difficult role of …

AM Accerboni - Rev Int Hist Psychanal, 1988 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

aside from the fact that when I was doing my senior thesis on the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, I came across that particular spelling in at least six different primary sources from the 1930s..

try not to sound so authoritative in the future when you are not as well informed as you believed : )
It is a mistake to believe that it is possible to substitute "provisionally" the absolute power of a Central Committee (acting somehow by "tacit delegation") for the yet unrealizable rule of the majority of conscious workers in the party, and in this way replace the open control of the working masses over the party organs with the reverse control by the Central Committee over the revolutionary proletariat.
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Old 02.14.2010, 09:00 PM   #8
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Old 02.14.2010, 09:21 PM   #9
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i learned fascism in high school. the librarian showed me a fascist logo in the dictionary. it was a bundle of reeds bound together. that is supposed to say fascism. so, free reeds, i say.
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Old 02.14.2010, 10:51 PM   #10
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Old 02.14.2010, 10:54 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by amerikangod
Also, I hate that you did your senior thesis on the Italian invasion of Etheopia. I mean, it's obvious, but I still hate it.

And before you get in an uproar defending your step-motherland, all "It's spelled Ethiopia my brother," I assure you that it can be spelled as 'Etheopia' as well. See:

Horror stories about Etheopia: How bad is it really? - The HUBB

I link, therefore I am.

actually its spelled

Αἰθιοπία (greek) or

and I had no choice, my senior seminar was on Genocide, and the Italians perpetrated genocide and mass murder in Ethiopia during the invasion.. I had nightmares for months, all that class was was holocaust, rwanda, cambodia, and me digging in deep on the genocide in Ethiopia, a relatively understudied subject.

Originally Posted by amerikangod
I'll post mine if he posts his.

as them say on Craig's List, "No Dick Shots please."
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Old 02.14.2010, 11:08 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by amerikangod
Well, that displays several choices. First and foremost to take a seminar on genocide. And then, out of all of the many, many examples of genocide selecting one focused on Ethiopia.

So no comment on my post regarding the spelling of fascism?

The neo-facist State: notes on the pathology of power in the Third …

A EQBAL - Arab Studies Quarterly, 1981 - Spring
Commemorate the Victory Over German Facism! Carry the Struggle …

L Ruiqing - Peking Review
Verstehen, Holism and Facism


Psychoanalysis and facism: two incompatible approaches. The difficult role of …

AM Accerboni - Rev Int Hist Psychanal, 1988 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

remember these? oh yeah, and didn't you read when I said, "SIX primary sources I used for that project spelled it 'facism' "?

sometimes it is a typo, sometimes it is just the way it has been spelled..
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Old 02.14.2010, 11:31 PM   #13
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facism is an unintentional misspelling when I miss the "s" key and hit send on my iphone, though since the word is used replying to some cunt, there is truly no reason to go back and edit, because this is not the academic world and the cunts get what I mean.
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Old 02.15.2010, 02:13 AM   #14
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It doesn't get any better, as far as threads go, than debating the correct spelling of fascism with posts peppered with threats of showing one's cock in public to prove a point. I am a happy man.
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Old 02.15.2010, 02:41 AM   #15
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I'd argue that the Stalinist Soviet Union was fascist as well. I think of poltics more in terms of a sphere than a compass. Once you get so extreme, no matter your reasoning for it, it all boils down to the same thing- the "elite" who know how everything should be done controlling the weak.

The fascists saw themselves as being very different from the communists, but they weren't.

Government controlled economy, party members being rewarded with the riches, horrible cruelty to mankind, lack of freedom. . . etc.
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Old 02.15.2010, 03:27 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I'd argue that the Stalinist Soviet Union was fascist as well.
I don't think there are many who would disagree with you there.
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Old 02.15.2010, 05:01 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by amerikangod
I did, I just didn't realize you wanted me to point out your errors even further when about ten seconds of fact checking could have saved you that embarrassment. See below:

1) A EQBAL - Arab Studies Quarterly, 1981 - Spring
Commemorate the Victory Over German Facism! Carry the Struggle …

-Well, if you Google this:
http://openlibrary.org/b/OL16601666M/Commemorate_the_victory_over_German_fascism!_Carry _the_struggle_against_U.S._imperialism_through_to_ the_end!

You find a link with the title, except this time fascism is spelled correctly. You also see a picture of the cover of the publication, once more with the CORRECT SPELLING OF FASCISM. On the cover. Again. Or if you want to argue that this is a generated cover (as a few more seconds of looking at it reveals) you'll notice that everywhere else this publication is cited on the internet, fascism is spelled correctly.

2) L Ruiqing - Peking Review
Verstehen, Holism and Facism

Oh look, a quick google search shows another link with the actual publication scanned in, and fascism is spelled correctly here too.

3) Psychoanalysis and facism: two incompatible approaches. The difficult role of …
AM Accerboni - Rev Int Hist Psychanal, 1988 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

-After the first misspelling it's spelled correctly everywhere else.

You seem to like to offer up ridiculous amounts of evidence for everything even when it's blatantly wrong. So until you provide me with actual evidence that anyone ever intentionally misspells fascism as 'facism' for a desired effect, I think we can call the matter resolved.

Also, please stop trying to missrepresent Sonic Youth:


This is hilarious.
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Old 02.15.2010, 12:20 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by RanaldoNecro
I Keep seeing this word again and again on this board. Anyone wanna weigh in on this?
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Old 02.15.2010, 02:10 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
try not to sound so authoritative in the future when you are not as well informed as you believed : )

Shall I wait before I get it sanctioned from someone else before I sound authoritative next time?

Also, you owe this board one picture of your cock.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 02.15.2010, 02:20 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Glice
Shall I wait before I get it sanctioned from someone else before I sound authoritative next time?

Also, you owe this board one picture of your cock.

You just want to compare it to yours.
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