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Old 06.30.2006, 05:34 PM   #1
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I must be the only person on the planet without one, but I can finally afford it. I really like the style/small size of the Nano. 4GB is plenty...I don't really need to carry around my whole collection. However, I don't want to compromise sexiness for reliability. My dilemma is that I don't know about the available accessories or overall performance between the two types (Nano vs. Standard). Would anyone in the know please offer some input on this purchase? Anything relevant would be helpful. Price is of no concern. Which is best and why, capacity aside?
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Old 06.30.2006, 05:46 PM   #2
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You should really ask someone on the Apple forum (if there is one), but to give some sort of answer; I wouldn't even get an ipod. Shop around first, look at other players, then make your decision.
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Old 06.30.2006, 05:55 PM   #3
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I like the creative Zen. You pay way less and at 64kbps you can get 15,000 songs with about 256k color, which kills the ipod video's 56k color.

But for small space for what you're looking for, Ipod Nano's break really easily, and ipod mini's aren't too reliable either. I would go with a regular Ipod if possible.

Hope that helped,
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Old 06.30.2006, 06:02 PM   #4
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Can't go wrong with this little baby:


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Old 06.30.2006, 06:04 PM   #5
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This is what I have. It was $60.00 and has 64kbps ATRAC3 Plus encoding, which means you can fit about 400 songs on 1 CD. I have no desire to get an MP3 player yet.
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Old 06.30.2006, 06:08 PM   #6
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^Exactly. My portable cd player plays mp3's and so does my car stereo. I fit 12 whole SY shows on one cd in mp3 format.
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Old 06.30.2006, 06:13 PM   #7
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Same here. I fit my 20 live shows on two CDs in mp3, and then all the extra stuff (Instruments+ CDs, Branca stuff, etc., plus all the videos from the website) on a third one. And that was all it took. I couldn't get more than 10 shows on each, though. iPods are not necessary.
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Old 06.30.2006, 07:10 PM   #8
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i have this

40 gigs
200 dollars
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Old 06.30.2006, 07:10 PM   #9
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Old 06.30.2006, 08:00 PM   #10
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mp3s sound like shit, i like to listen to my cd player ive had for 5 years or a homeade tape on a walkman (which sounds way smoother than an mp3 player)
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Old 06.30.2006, 08:01 PM   #11
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I have the Creative Zen Touch, and I love it. The sound is amazing, and it doesn't scratch. It's bigger than the iSucks but it's cheaper and worth it.
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Old 06.30.2006, 09:03 PM   #12
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ok do not make mp3s at less than 192 kbps the compression is too harsh and you lose just about all of the dynamics in any frquency. all of the players are pretty much the same, don't just buy for the name, shop around, do not fall for any advertising of how many song these things can fit on becuase they say all these facts like 15000 songs but that is fine if you like the qulaity to be of hold music on a telephone. if you want it for music only forget about colour screens. if you you want it to look good then you are looking at more than listening to it. and buy good headphones i recommend sennheiser px 200 or beyerdynamic dtx20. for mp3 only encode at either 192 or 320 kbps or go with cd quality wav or aiff files. all the headphone pre's are pretty much identical and i doubt anyone could hear the difference using a good set of reference headphones.
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Old 06.30.2006, 09:09 PM   #13
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Thanks terminal p
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Old 06.30.2006, 09:21 PM   #14
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I say get an Ipod. They interface and navigation really just blows the competitors away. I would have said get a creative a long time ago, but I really love my 30gig ipod video.

People that say that MP3s suck really don't know how to rip a CD. Rip it at a low compression rate. I always go 192 kbps ore higher. Maybe it was because I was raised with them, but I think MP3s sound great, if ripped properly.
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Old 06.30.2006, 09:32 PM   #15
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At 256kbps the difference between CDs and MP3s are mostly academic. Nanos have a bass quantization problem, look it up, they tend to distort basses very easily. The best iPods in term of headphone drivers and potential audio quality(also depends on your earphones) is the Shuffle and the iPod Video. The video at 60 GB has 64KB of onboard memory, is fast, is about as thick as 10 playing cards, and smaller. Carrying 10 CDs around is very irritating, I have been there and done that. I still have my MP3 CD portable player. For best results, buy an iPod video, get a set of in-ear modules(even cheap ones like Panasonic RP-HJE50s), rip at nothing less then 256Kbps. And also, no one uses the album art feature on iPods anyway, everyone knows it drains battery life immensely. Also, the 60GB iPod video has 4 hours of video life if you're so inclined. The 30GB has half of that.
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Old 06.30.2006, 09:49 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by m^a(t)h
mp3s sound like shit, i like to listen to my cd player ive had for 5 years or a homeade tape on a walkman (which sounds way smoother than an mp3 player)
you must've been listening to mp3s with a low bit-rate
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Old 06.30.2006, 10:04 PM   #17
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I think once you get past 196kbps you're just being picky. I've never been the least bit bothered by anything at 196. At 132 it becomes noticable, but I can still live with it.
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Old 06.30.2006, 10:07 PM   #18
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i rip at 192
i remember when i asked about mp3 players on the g4tv forums and these guys got into a deep discussion about bit rates
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Old 06.30.2006, 10:28 PM   #19
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I wouldn't buy an Ipod. They're for the people who need the newest mobile phone each month when ones released, and buys all the useless flashy shit that you can spend more money on if you want to.

I own an Iriver - and it's been well worth it's money. I don't regret it at all.
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Old 07.01.2006, 04:16 AM   #20
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all my friends have ipods but i dont i have a sony MP3, shop around first.
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