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Old 01.15.2009, 09:17 PM   #1
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its a little nat geo, but, there you go.


Crows( Corvus (genus)) are magnificent.

There are a few variations but all look fairly similar in australia.. note the white iris.



wiki: Certain species top the avian IQ scale. One species, the New Caledonian Crow, has also been intensively studied recently because of its ability to manufacture and use its own tools in the day-to-day search for food, including dropping seeds into a heavy trafficked street and waiting for a car to crush them open.

This is what an australian crow sounds like. sly and gothly, imho.

Is this what a common american crow sounds like? Wiki has this for offer;
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Old 01.16.2009, 09:58 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by phoenix
sly and gothly, imho.

just like ME.


I love crows!

we have a murder living near us. they stay in a fairly large group.

oklahoma is also known for it's VERY LARGE birds of prey (mostly hawks).

everytime a hawk starts to circle, the crows attack them. it's pretty crazy to watch them take on birds much much bigger than they are (I swear, the hawk that spends the most time over my house has a 3' wing span).

one crow will circle above the hawk and divebomb it. last week, he wasn't having much success so he called in some friends. 3 more crows flew in formation and also started attacking the hawk. once it moved off, they flew back (again in formation like fighter planes).

anyways, if I come back buddhist-stylee, I want to be a crow.

ravens are pussies.

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Old 01.16.2009, 02:32 PM   #3
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Hmm...funny story about crows. Once upon a time there lived crows in Chicago and one murder happen to have been living near the house of a boy named Jose. One day Jose's older brother Manny, found a hole in the back yard with a mother rabbit and some bunnies at her side. That night, there was a storm....Manny and Jose thought it would be nice to help the Rabbits and provide some shelter. After the cereal box was put over the hole, Jose and Manny ran inside. THe next morning they went outside to check on the rabbits but before they reached the hole, they discovered a mass murder of bunnies everywhere. The scene was gruesome, there were dismembered bodies everywhere. The End.
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Old 01.16.2009, 03:00 PM   #4
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Once on the way to the grand canyon, I saw a raven that I SWEAR stood nearly 3 feet tall. fucking HUGE
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Old 01.20.2009, 07:19 AM   #5
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those are some awesome crow stories people. impressive.

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Old 01.20.2009, 07:26 AM   #6
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Crows > ravens
My favourite birds next to pelicans.
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Old 01.20.2009, 07:27 AM   #7
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crows are the symbol of my hometown. they marked the arrival of king to conquer the castel, and their scream started the battle.
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Old 01.20.2009, 07:28 AM   #8
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Old 01.20.2009, 09:27 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Crows > ravens

What chu talkin' 'bout Willis?

Ravens are the only bird I like! In fact, I want to be reincarnated as a raven. They play all day and eat junk food--what's not to like? I love to watch them playing on the air currents around buildings.

The crows around here are but a pale imitation of the ravens I knew in Anchorage. Well, OK, they are the same color but I still like the ravens better.
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Old 01.20.2009, 10:50 AM   #10
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RAVENS are BIG, and they fucking rule, and they can learn to "speak" and they are not covered in lice. crows suck.
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Old 01.20.2009, 10:51 AM   #11
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you do know tht Ravens are just the largest crow right?
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Old 01.20.2009, 01:02 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by phoenix
One species, the New Caledonian Crow, has also been intensively studied recently because of its ability to manufacture and use its own tools in the day-to-day search for food, including dropping seeds into a heavy trafficked street and waiting for a car to crush them open.

I saw a show on this! It was really cool. They take nuts and seeds, fly up to some power lines over an intersection, wait till the light turns red, drop the nuts/seeds into the road, wait for the light to change and for the cars to run over the nuts/seeds, then they wait for the red light again so they can fly down and pick up the cracked nuts.

They also showed this study where they put a piece of food in a jar where the crows couldn't reach it with their beaks, so they gave them lengths of wire and the crows would use the wire to fish out the food inside the jars.
Cool birds.
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Old 01.20.2009, 06:06 PM   #13
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what about seagulls?

the big one is from aberdeen apparently.

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Old 01.20.2009, 09:21 PM   #14
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Old 01.20.2009, 11:28 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Pax Americana
I saw a show on this! It was really cool. They take nuts and seeds, fly up to some power lines over an intersection, wait till the light turns red, drop the nuts/seeds into the road, wait for the light to change and for the cars to run over the nuts/seeds, then they wait for the red light again so they can fly down and pick up the cracked nuts.

They also showed this study where they put a piece of food in a jar where the crows couldn't reach it with their beaks, so they gave them lengths of wire and the crows would use the wire to fish out the food inside the jars.
Cool birds.
That actually is really neat.
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Old 01.21.2009, 12:22 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by cars_willkillyou
what about seagulls?

the big one is from aberdeen apparently.


I hate seagulls. Pretending you have an amputated leg to get food isnt that smart.

plus.. they wear fugly feathers. (shiny black is nicer) and... their NOISE is awful.
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Old 01.21.2009, 12:38 AM   #17
Villain Bird
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here's a crow story for ya

one time I was flying around with a dead snake in my mouth, cuz I'm b aller like that. and I saw a group of crows about to get in a scrapple with a group of ravens. so I flew over them and took a shit on them all. In the confusion I flew over some power lines and swung the dead snake at it. His fangs cut the wires and the sparks fell on the crows and ravens and ignited my fecies on them and burnt them all alive! (I had eaten some gasoline because I'm baller like that. I can eat liquid!)


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Old 01.21.2009, 03:17 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by phoenix
I hate seagulls. Pretending you have an amputated leg to get food isnt that smart.

plus.. they wear fugly feathers. (shiny black is nicer) and... their NOISE is awful.


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