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Old 06.06.2008, 04:01 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Obama and McCain are just the figureheads of two branches of one huge corporation that's going to conduct business as usual as its been doing for over a century. If you vote McCain, you're voting for the same elder, white politcian you got in Bush SR. and Reagen. If you vote Obama you get the same young, idealistic, handsome guy you got in Kennedy. Which are you tired of more? that is the only true question.

This supposes that voting determines the outcomes to begin with. the political machine controls the process. they put the candidate in your head, through the control of funding and media and PR campaigns blah blah woof woof, its like a fucking mandate from heaven. the people just "vote" for the dude who has been brainwashed into their minds the most. Germany "voted" for Hitler remember?
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Old 06.06.2008, 04:11 PM   #2
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Old 06.06.2008, 04:16 PM   #3
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what is the "political machine" ?

Old 06.06.2008, 04:41 PM   #4
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I don't think that every single politician is controlled. If that means that I believe in fairy tales, then so be it.


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Old 06.06.2008, 05:05 PM   #5
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Considering that I believe that Kennedy was one of the greater Presidents in United States history, I guess I'm a naive idiot. I don't fault the political system, I find fault with the corporation and its exploration of that system.

Anyways this pessimism is coming from a man that idolizes a nation that has a far more outwardly fucked political system.
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Old 06.06.2008, 05:07 PM   #6
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every presidential election is nothing but a popularity contest.
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Old 06.06.2008, 06:01 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by HECKLER SPRAY
what is the "political machine" ?

"A political machine is an unofficial system of a political organization based on patronage, the spoils system, "behind-the-scenes" control, and longstanding political ties within the structure of a representative democracy."
[this wiki defintion is taken straight from Encyclopedia Britannica]

Originally Posted by Cantankerous
every presidential election is nothing but a popularity contest.

temesagn! [give thanks!]

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Old 06.06.2008, 06:57 PM   #8
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it's true
in america there are lots of people who will only vote for ONE political party (democratic/republican typically) regardless of the candidate from said party's platform. fucking ridiculous that so many people choose not to inform themselves.
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Old 06.06.2008, 07:26 PM   #9
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Well the vast majority of Americans are idiots.
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Old 06.06.2008, 07:33 PM   #10
Danny Himself
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Germany "voted" for Hitler remember?

Not really, he was installed after Hindenburg had exhausted all other possible candidates like Schleicher and Von Papen. The votes the Nazi Party won in local elections in that time were largely won due to intimidation by the SA brownshirts militia rather than brainwashing..
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Old 06.06.2008, 08:38 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Obama and McCain are just the figureheads of two branches of one huge corporation that's going to conduct business as usual as its been doing for over a century. If you vote McCain, you're voting for the same elder, white politcian you got in Bush SR. and Reagen. If you vote Obama you get the same young, idealistic, handsome guy you got in Kennedy. Which are you tired of more? that is the only true question.

This supposes that voting determines the outcomes to begin with. the political machine controls the process. they put the candidate in your head, through the control of funding and media and PR campaigns blah blah woof woof, its like a fucking mandate from heaven. the people just "vote" for the dude who has been brainwashed into their minds the most. Germany "voted" for Hitler remember?

hitler only achieved 33% of the vote (or so) & gained control of the country through manipulation and backstabbing.

tell me what is better than voting for a president and i'll do it if it makes sense.

but looking at the rest of the world and having lived under dictatorships all i can't say is YOU DON'T FUCKIGN KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE MOANING ABOUT.

go and live under fucking mugabe. go and try. go at it. go now. do it. do it now. do it. do it now. do it.
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Old 06.06.2008, 08:41 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Not really, he was installed after Hindenburg had exhausted all other possible candidates like Schleicher and Von Papen. The votes the Nazi Party won in local elections in that time were largely won due to intimidation by the SA brownshirts militia rather than brainwashing..

Yes, Hitler did not win an election outright, however in 1932 Hitler received over 11 million votes, it was not enough to win by a longshot but it demonstrated popularity. Further, the mechanisms which empowered Hitler are the same kinds of mechanisms which are employed in the United States political nonsense.
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Old 06.06.2008, 08:42 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Yes, Hitler did not win an election outright, however in 1932 Hitler received over 11 million votes, it was not enough to win by a longshot but it demonstrated popularity. Further, the mechanisms which empowered Hitler are the same kinds of mechanisms which are employed in the United States political nonsense.

whatever man.

just go spend 5 years in some dictatorship.

go, give it a fuckin try!

go ahead & dare talk shit about the government.

try!! come on!!!

yeah i didn't think so.

fucking ingrate.
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Old 06.06.2008, 08:43 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by ✌➬
Well the vast majority of Americans are idiots.
but when i think about it, you know, it doesn't really matter. the government is always going to suck no matter where you go, but it does suck less in the US.

Originally Posted by !@#$%!
whatever man.

just go spend 5 years in some dictatorship.

go, give it a fuckin try!

go ahead & dare talk shit about the government.

try!! come on!!!

yeah i didn't think so.

fucking ingrate.

listen to this man. he has perspective.
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Old 06.06.2008, 08:45 PM   #15
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my dad had to spend 9 months hiding in attics due to some political witchunt he was marginally related to

'nuff fucking said

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Old 06.06.2008, 08:45 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
hitler only achieved 33% of the vote (or so) & gained control of the country through manipulation and backstabbing.

tell me what is better than voting for a president and i'll do it if it makes sense.

but looking at the rest of the world and having lived under dictatorships all i can't say is YOU DON'T FUCKIGN KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE MOANING ABOUT.

go and live under fucking mugabe. go and try. go at it. go now. do it. do it now. do it. do it now. do it.

so its the classic pick the best of two evils? what ever happened doing what was honest and right?

you say what can be done? well truthfully, voting is the least you can do. Its not my business in this thread to point out all of the proactive things you can actually do to benefit people in our society, but I assure you and you already know that voting sure as hell is not one of them. it is a farce, just as cantankerous has already explained. why openly accept bullshit.

the first step to solving the problem is acknowledging the problem to begin with, if you can't accept the problem outright how can you expect to work to solve it? If voting is a farce and the elections have been corrupted by $$$ and special interest, then why believe that voting is the answer? Take that shit back to the streets, one person at time, through dialogue, just as we are doing here, but if we can't even agree to have the dialogue, then what the fuck will change?
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Old 06.06.2008, 08:47 PM   #17
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i might actually just vote for obama because he IS the lesser of two douchebags
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Old 06.06.2008, 08:48 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
so its the classic pick the best of two evils? what ever happened doing what was honest and right?

you say what can be done? well truthfully, voting is the least you can do. Its not my business in this thread to point out all of the proactive things you can actually do to benefit people in our society, but I assure you and you already know that voting sure as hell is not one of them. it is a farce, just as cantankerous has already explained. why openly accept bullshit.

the first step to solving the problem is acknowledging the problem to begin with, if you can't accept the problem outright how can you expect to work to solve it? If voting is a farce and the elections have been corrupted by $$$ and special interest, then why believe that voting is the answer? Take that shit back to the streets, one person at time, through dialogue, just as we are doing here, but if we can't even agree to have the dialogue, then what the fuck will change?

fucking spoiled american brat. you have no idea how good you have it. go & travel already!
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Old 06.06.2008, 08:49 PM   #19
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for real, fucking go live in ethiopia and see how much you like it.
and if you DO happen to like it, please stay there.
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Old 06.06.2008, 08:49 PM   #20
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i thought this thread was going to be about peter pan. u gyz r boring with ur politikz

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