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Old 05.20.2008, 11:29 AM   #1
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I think it is kind of a trip that we [humans] were things around our necks for a variety of reasons, and that we have been doing so for for tens of thousands of years. we have evolved specialists and craftsmen just for this purpose, and whole cultures have developed around them. I just think it is interesting and fascinating why people wear them. Myself, I wear a Meskel [Ethiopian cross] and a small pendant icon of the virgin mary with christ child to ward of the bunda [evil eye of some people], and I suppose then that I wear these for religious purposes, but I often wonder what motivates people to wear these ornaments for other reasons.

what kind of these things to y'all wear?

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Old 05.20.2008, 11:31 AM   #2
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Exposed Saharan Site - Mali, Northwest Africa
This CAPSIAN TRADITION artifact was found on an exposed African Neolithic site in the Sahara Desert in Mali, Northwest Africa. It was fashioned by ancient man (Homo sapiens sapiens) between 8,500 and 6,500 years ago.
This is a complete Capsian Neolithic drilled drop pendant in semi-precious Carnelian stone. It is in its original condition and features a drilled top which allowed it to be strung and worn around the neck. The stone is an incredible melon-colored type of Carnelian that displays stunning translucency where most Carnelian is darker and much more opaque. This clarity gives it a glowing, magical appearance in light. This is a classic artifact of Neolithic body adornment and ornamentation. Beads and pendants were part of the main personal decoration of an Neolithic man or woman over 6500 years ago in Africa. This AUTHENTIC specimen is without breakage and displays beautiful polish and shape. Most of these that are found are broken or show damage but this pendant is of a grade that far exceeds typical finds. Intact with NO REPAIR AND NO RESTORATION. Completely durable and safe to wear for another 8500 years! Microscopic examination reveals desert sediment and patina INSIDE the surface crevices and fissures - an indication of an AUTHENTIC Neolithic jewelry. Beware of modern copies.
Archaeological sites of the African Neolithic yield some jewelry items and give us a glimpse of what body ornamentation and personal adornment looked like back in this period long ago. Beads, lip plugs and bracelets are sometimes found. Tools and weapons were an item of necessity but body jewelry reveals to us another side of the mind of primitive and ancient Man that the other artifacts do not give us. Perfect to display alongside similar period tools and weapons! This specimen is solid and safe to wear.
In the final Pleistocene and early Holocene Periods around 10,000 years ago, the Sahara was believed to be a highly favorable environment for hunters, gatherers and pastoralists. Freshwater lakes existed between the dunes in what is now the Tenere region, Lake Chad was eight times its current size, the highlands supported Mediterranean forest trees, and a large fauna of animals flourished. The slow drying out process of the Sahara, began 7,000 years ago and ended 4500 years ago resulting in the barren conditions that exist to this day. As we progress from the time from the end of the Pleistocene to the end of the Paleolithic Period, we see man relying more on meat from raised animals as opposed to hunted animals.
At the end of the Pleistocene Period in North Africa, a blade industry developed called the CAPSIAN TRADITION. The Capsian industry runs simultaneously with the Oranian industry and began around 11,000 years ago (9,000 years ago in the Northwest region). This later tradition is responsible for the influence of the Oranian industry and eventually succeeds it at the close of Paleolithic Period, ushering in the Neolithic Age of stone tool manufacture in this region of Africa.
Most notable during the era of the Capsian tradition is the proliferation of various blades and bladelets eventually leading to MICROLITHIC technology. Microliths are tiny flake blade tools and segments of blades that are used as they are or set in composite tools of wood or bone for use as barbs or to make saws.
The various tools of the CAPSIAN TRADITION represent some of the most delicately flaked and beautifully executed smaller stone tools of man. By this time, the flaking methods utilize small punches for extreme control in the removal of material and shape of the blade being made. Some points were so perfectly executed that they were not used at all but served as items of prestige by their owner and are sometimes found in association with burials. These finest points and blades from this period rival any stone implement ever made by primitive man and were sometimes manufactured out of the most stunning gem-grade material such as fine translucent chalcedony and agate as well as transparent crystalline quartz. By this late age of lithic tool manufacture, stone implements have undergone man's development by both trial-and-error and cognitive thinking spanning an overall time exceeding one million years.
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Old 05.20.2008, 11:34 AM   #3
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mmm.... bunda... mmm...
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Old 05.20.2008, 11:49 AM   #4
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And one of these fuckers in my ear from time to time:

Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 05.20.2008, 11:51 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Glice

And one of these fuckers in my ear from time to time:

Miyazia 02
(April 10)
And on this day died Saint Christopher, the martyr, whose face was like the face of a dog. This holy man came from the country, the people whereof used to eat men and dogs. They captured him in battle, and his father became a believer through Saint Matthew the apostle. When they captured him he did not believe the words of the men who made him captive, and he prayed to God, and He opened his tongue, and he spoke as spoke those who had made him captive. And he rebuked those who afflicted the Christian peoples, and the captain who was over the soldiers beat him very severely. And the holy man said unto him, “If it were not the command of God, my Lord Jesus Christ, which maketh me to endure and which holdeth back my strength, and restraineth me, thou and thy soldiers could not be delivered from me.” And the governor sent a message to the emperor concerning him, and told him what had happened to him, and the emperor sent two hundred soldiers to bring the holy man to him; and he went with them of his own free will without fear. And he had a staff in his hand, and he prayed and straightway it sprouted and blossomed. When the soldiers lacked bread the holy man prayed, and there was bread in abundance for the soldiers, who marveled exceedingly, and believed on our Lord Jesus Christ. And when they arrived in the city of Antioch they were baptized with Christian baptism by the hand of Abba Paul, Archbishop of the city of Antioch. When Christopher came before the Emperor Decius he frightened him, and Decius tried to persuade him [to deny Christ]. And he sent two very beautiful harlots to him for he thought they would be able to make him to fall into sin with them; but the holy man rebuked them, and they believed on our Lord Jesus Christ, and they repented and became martyrs. And the two hundred soldiers likewise confessed our Lord Jesus Christ, the Living [God], before the emperor. Then the emperor commanded the [other] soldiers to cut off their heads, and they cut off their heads with swords, and the soldiers received crowns of martyrdom in the kingdom of the heavens. And the holy man terrified the emperor, and he said unto him, “O thou receiver of the work of Satan and his abode!” And the emperor waxed furious, and he commanded his soldiers to cast him into a huge frying-pan and to light a fire under him, and they did so, but no harm whatsoever came to him as they wished, on the contrary he taught the people whilst he was in the frying-pan. When the people saw that he was speaking and teaching the men, and that he was whole and unharmed, they marveled exceedingly, and they believed on our Lord Jesus Christ; and they drew nigh to the frying-pan in order to lift the holy man out from it. And the emperor commanded his soldiers to cut off [the heads] of all of them with swords, and they did so, and [the people] received crowns of martyrdom. Then the emperor commanded his soldiers to hang a great stone from the neck of Saint Christopher, and to cast him into a pit, and they did unto him even as the emperor commanded; and the angel of the Lord brought him out of the pit, whole and unharmed. When the emperor was tired [of torturing him] he commanded them to cut off his head with the sword, and he received the crown of martyrdom in the kingdom of heaven. Salutation to Christopher who believed through the teaching of Matthew, and salutation to those who died with him, thirty women and handmaidens, and three men.
And on this day also is commemorated Malal’el (Mahalaleel), the son of Cainan. Malalel (Mahalaleel) lived one hundred and sixty-five years and begot Jared; and all his days were 165 (sic) years. And Malal’el (Mahalaleel) died on the First Day of the week, on the second day of the month of Miyazia, and he was buried in the Cave of Treasures.
Glory be to God Who is glorified in His Saints. Amen.
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Old 05.20.2008, 12:19 PM   #6
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I have never worn a necklace of any kind.

I wore my wedding band while married, for 7 years. No longer.

I wear a silver hoop in my right nostril since 1991. It is the only piece of jewelry I wear.
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Old 05.20.2008, 12:48 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I have never worn a necklace of any kind.

I wore my wedding band while married, for 7 years. No longer.

I wear a silver hoop in my right nostril since 1991. It is the only piece of jewelry I wear.

thats a "no" vote from rob duly noted
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Old 05.20.2008, 12:52 PM   #8
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when i made my 1st communion (i was about 10) they gave me this silver crucifix to hang around the neck, which i think i wore like most of my catholic school classmates. it was actually pretty cool for a crucifix. but soon after i stopped believing in such myths and chucked it into the void, somewhere.
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Old 05.20.2008, 12:52 PM   #9
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not a "no" vote!

I find it very interesting that millions of opeople, to eclebrate their "faith" and their Jeebus, wear a torture and exceution implement around their necks, and kiss it and pray with it and to it.

Can you imagine if the Romans had killed Jesus by frying him alive in boiling oil like they used to? every christian would have a "fry Daddy" hanging from their neck all gold plated!
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Old 05.20.2008, 01:07 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
not a "no" vote!

I find it very interesting that millions of opeople, to eclebrate their "faith" and their Jeebus, wear a torture and exceution implement around their necks, and kiss it and pray with it and to it.

Can you imagine if the Romans had killed Jesus by frying him alive in boiling oil like they used to? every christian would have a "fry Daddy" hanging from their neck all gold plated!


ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha

well yeah, but it's not like that

for the jeebus people it was some sort of mental judo that the instrument of their god-killing was turned into a holy sign.

just like say the word queer was reappropriated from a slur to a term signifying identity, pride, etc.

but in jeebus terms anyway it's the place where the human sacrifice redeems humanity (!!!). absurd i know but there you go. works symbolically better than literally, but still, not my thing.
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Old 05.20.2008, 01:10 PM   #11
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Abraham was gonna off his son for Jahweh.
Jahweh told him "Hold up there Abe!"
Abe did, and his son was spared, and hence he found a ram caught in a thicket and sacrificed the ram instead.

that was symbolic of the end of human sacrifice to appease the montheistic god jahweh.

Jesus, with his personal sacrifice, was symbolic of the end of ANY and all sacrifice in the name of jahweh.

the ultimate sacrifice having been paid, in the blood of god's son, and all.
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Old 05.20.2008, 01:12 PM   #12
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you know in the story of the crucifixion, when Jesus asks for some water, something to quench his thirst as he is dying, and a Roman soldier, the bible says, sticks a sponge soaked in vinegar on te end of his spear and holds it up for Jesus to drink,a nd he does not drink from it?

Reading about Roman legions and their "kit", it stated that all Roman soldiers were to carry a piece of natural sponge to wipe their asses with after shitting.

fucking nasty assholes the roman guards huh? giving a dying man a vinegar soaked ass-shit sponge.
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Old 05.20.2008, 01:49 PM   #13
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I actually like the cross necklaces.
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Old 05.20.2008, 01:51 PM   #14
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so did hitler
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Old 05.20.2008, 01:52 PM   #15
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Are you calling me a nazi?
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Old 05.20.2008, 01:53 PM   #16
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no, I am calling Hitler a christian
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Old 05.20.2008, 01:57 PM   #17
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I am offended. If I were Spanish, I would call for beatdown on your ass, Spanish Inquisition style.
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Old 05.20.2008, 02:02 PM   #18
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you mean like the nazi "beat down" of the Hebrews/gypsies/homosexuals/freemasons fully sanctioned by the Holy Roman Catholic Chuch that occurred between 1939 and 1944?
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Old 05.20.2008, 02:05 PM   #19
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No no, I want spike balls hitting your back. Whips and lashes, tied up and stretching you more. Wow the Spanish where into BDSM.
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Old 05.20.2008, 02:15 PM   #20
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the flagellants do that to themselves to induce a ssate of orgiastic spiritual ecstacy
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