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Old 05.25.2006, 11:48 AM   #1
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It is that time of year again, where the Holocaust is all over the TV and the schools. But it has always made me so upset, to here numbers of six million jews left and right, but never hear mention of the other 5 million "subhumans" who died along side the European Jews in Hitler's empire. Only one teacher out of the dozens in my life has ever brought this fact up. Why does everybody want to forget the non-Jewish deaths but not the Jewish? It doesn't make anysense how the Nazis could have systematically murdered almost 12 million people, and only 6 million are ever made mention of.
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Old 05.25.2006, 11:50 AM   #2
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Cos you touch yourself at night.

Down with this sort of thing.
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Old 05.25.2006, 11:56 AM   #3
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Well, it's a matter of common knowledge here, that also many gypsies, social democrats, catholics, gays and communists died in the concentration camps, but i don't know how this is communicated to the rest of the world.
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Old 05.25.2006, 12:00 PM   #4
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HBO did a special on the Homosexuals who were persecuted not too long ago, and it was a really eye opening, the nazis didn't kill most lesbians cause it was thought they could brainwash them into being straight, whereas gay men were outright despised, infact in the early years of the Nazi party, one of Hitler's top men Ernst Rohm, leader of the SA "aka brownshirts" was gay, and ended up dead soon after they took power

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Old 05.25.2006, 12:09 PM   #5
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Yeah, in american schools they never bring this up. What is the deal?

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Old 05.25.2006, 12:13 PM   #6
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the american school system is one of the greatest breeders of ignorance in this planet. god the average education level of american high school graduates is apalling. they teach you driving? wtf...

if i ever have kids, they'll be homeschooled (im not a fucking christian-- i'll just lock them in my private library all day )
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Old 05.25.2006, 12:42 PM   #7
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its not just the high schools. the colleges and universities miss this issue everytime as well. the intellectual community fails to address it, there isn't much literature at all, and it seems to me that one day the memories of those other 5 million subhuman non-Jewish Eastern Europeans (mostly Polish/Slavic/Ethnic Russian) will be put to rest and the world will forget. that will be a terrible terrible day. These people were called "gypsies" and their numbers are staggering. While there were only a few hundred thousand ethnic "gypsies" in Poland and Czechelslovakia, there were millions of average citizens and millions of Jews, and all died together in Mass murder.
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Old 05.25.2006, 01:01 PM   #8
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Is all I will say for the moment. Please stop this line of thought because it's very, very dangerous, which I shall explain if and when I can be bothered.
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 05.25.2006, 01:01 PM   #9
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I remember it coming up every year we learned about it, but no, nobody seems to pay attention to it.

I think the main reason Jews are focused on is because 6 million is A LOT of Jews. There are 18 million Jews in the world today. Of course Jewish people are going to focus on it more, because it was there relatives. People always are more upset about things that hit closer to home unfortunately.
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Old 05.25.2006, 01:03 PM   #10
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^^^ oh, tempting.

nothing like causing strife over the internet....

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Old 05.25.2006, 01:48 PM   #11
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The Jewish people are the only ones with the numbers to be able to keep that part of it alive, that memory. the thing was that the Nazis did get rid of over 5 million gays, gypsies, undesirables, retarted people, mentally "deficient" people, but they also happened to blame much of their ills on the hebrew people, and they made it a point from the beginning to demonize the hebrews as the biggest single threat to their nazi german state. it was a convenient scapegoat, especially since many of the jews were welathy or well off people, and their asssets could be plundered by the nazi regime to further fund their sick nationalist socialist agenda. the other people were people under the rardar of europe at the time and the modern world at this time. homeless, homosexuals, drifetrs, mental "deficients" etc.

Stalin did the same thing in Russia, killing over 16 million of his own people. fucking shit russians.
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Old 05.25.2006, 01:57 PM   #13
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I concur with both Rob Instigator and Everyneurotic. I would also like to add that saying 'what's up with Jewish people ignoring the rest of the holocaust' begs the response 'they were busy being murdered, fuckwit'.
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 05.25.2006, 02:04 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Glice
I concur with both Rob Instigator and Everyneurotic. I would also like to add that saying 'what's up with Jewish people ignoring the rest of the holocaust' begs the response 'they were busy being murdered, fuckwit'.

check it, a) i know more then I let on.

b) i meant jewish people today.

the issue remains. how could there be a mass genocide and half of the story not be told? What if they neglected to mention half of the jewish lives lost? would the museum of tolerance tolerate people only acknowledging 3 million jewish deaths instead of six? that has been my whole point.

you can't make ammends if you only look at half of the situation. until everyone realizes that this happens EVERYDAY, and that is happened directly to millions more then mentioned publically (IT IS A CRIME BY THE WAY, TO DENY TO THE HOLOCAUST, so what about denying or ignoring the others, is that not also a crime?), then it will not ever stop. there will continue to be genocide/politicide across the world. it isn't stopping in sudan on a mass scale, in fact it is escalating. in every nation on the earth, in small pockets of isolation it occurs on a small scale affecting only a few hundred, but a few hundred lives taken for no reason what so ever. that is my point. we must remember EVERYTHING in detail, so as not to become as apathetic as our grandparents were an are still today. genocide anywhere is genocide everywhere
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Old 05.25.2006, 02:12 PM   #15
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My point is more to do with the phrasing of the question 'what's up with Jewish people ignoring 'the rest' of the holocaust'. I'm sorry, call me a bigot and a racist all you like, but if it were my people that were murdered/ being murdered (I'm an English Catholic) I would be ever so slightly more concerned about my own people (especially if there were an overwhelming majority of them) being killed, or having been killed, than I would about a culture to which I am slightly less attached.

To re-iterate, just on the off chance your comprehension skills aren't so hot - I am, at present, criticising THE WORDING of the question 'what is up with JEWISH PEOPLE ignoring THE REST of the holocaust', which is idiotic beyond belief. You are more than welcome to recind on that.

Perhaps I'll be arsed to deal with the rest of your half-baked reactionary bullshit later, but lets leave that one point to settle for a second.
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 05.25.2006, 02:45 PM   #16
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I'm tempted to say "the holocaust never happened" and watch the fireworks. But I'll resist.

I think the question is a decent one, but it's not "Jewish people" who ignore it, it's everyone. I'm Jewish by blood, but I wasn't there and I didn't lose anyone in it - I'm no more relevant to the holocaust than anyone else and I don't feel any more qualified to talk about it than anyone else. I know a Jewish survivor - she mentions the gypsies quite often. Jews themselves today really have little to do with the holocaust, much like Germans today have nothing to do with the Nazis - aside from perhaps the Israeli nationalists, which is a whole 'nother issue.

Similar to what AssBlaster said, just because I'm of Jewish decent doesn't mean I'm more concerned with "my people" surviving than I am with the gypsies. It is an altogether different question if you're referring to only the ones who experienced it first hand, but I believe that would be addressing a very small number of people...
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Old 05.25.2006, 02:57 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
it isn't stopping in sudan on a mass scale, in fact it is escalating.

Top 5 reasons George Bush isn't doing shit about Africa:

5. He can't pronounce Africa
4. Africans haven't tried to make any terrorist attacks on the US since Emmet Brown and Marty McFly outsmarted those Libyans.
3. He bet money on the US basketball team for the next summer olympics
2. He can't think of any good lies to make to justify doing something about Africa, only honest truths
1. No oil in Africa
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Old 05.25.2006, 02:58 PM   #18
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there is a lot of oil in africa.
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Old 05.25.2006, 02:58 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
It is that time of year again, where the Holocaust is all over the TV and the schools. But it has always made me so upset, to here numbers of six million jews left and right, but never hear mention of the other 5 million "subhumans" who died along side the European Jews in Hitler's empire. Only one teacher out of the dozens in my life has ever brought this fact up. Why does everybody want to forget the non-Jewish deaths but not the Jewish? It doesn't make anysense how the Nazis could have systematically murdered almost 12 million people, and only 6 million are ever made mention of.

the newish memorial in berlin is to the 'murdered jews of europe' caused some controvesy because people began saying 'well what about all the jews that were not from europe'?

having actually been to concentration camps i can say that they dont just talk about the jews but all of the people who were killed there.
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Old 05.25.2006, 03:03 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by AssBlaster
So, in your opinion, since I'm of German decent, should I be more concerned that my people were "winning" (I'm not...) and elated, as opposed to sad that people were killed needlessly?

I mean, my people were busy conquering nations and partying down...

Who cares about the jews, right?

I'm not too sure whether you're being discengenuous for the purposes of irony... but whatever... being of German decent is a different context, when talking about the holocaust, to talking from the point of view of someone who witnessed, or has in their cultural history, 67% of their race destroyed (ok, exaggeration, 67% of European Jewry). Everyone has blood on their hands to some extent (cf Hannah Arendt's 'Eichmann and the Holocaust). But I dislike this attempt to put the emphasis on the Jews to redress the balance of the holocaust. It is far and away from their concern to stand up and say, "Actually, it wasn't just us, there were these other guys killed too", although in modern Germany it is the Jews who are doing the most to emphasise the other people who were killed, and the Isreali people are likewise, in recent years, doing likewise.

Hmm. I'll write more later, I'm tired and need an orange juice.
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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