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Old 03.04.2007, 10:46 PM   #1
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1.to produce a faint image or resemblance of; to outline or sketch.
2.to foreshadow; prefigure.
3.to darken or conceal partially; overshadow.
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Old 03.04.2007, 10:52 PM   #2
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puff Pronunciation [puhf]

from the lexICON of diesel

1. A faggot/fairy

used in a sentance:
yea me too. freaky eh you fucking puff

I didnt write these with a hatefull intention.
If you boys insist on constantly calling each other gays, then i would like you to use the proper terminology in the form of puff and/or chocolate stabber (personally i find chocolate stabber has violent ASSociations but what will be will be)
Overall they are less hatefull, and saying ~*PuFf*~ automatically gives a thread 10 cute points.
*~*PUFF'S*~* are better_than_you and im GLAAD you know it.
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Old 03.04.2007, 10:57 PM   #3
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Old 03.04.2007, 10:58 PM   #4
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1.a dry fruit consisting of an edible kernel or meat enclosed in a woody or leathery shell.
2.the kernel itself.
3.Botany. a hard, indehiscent, one-seeded fruit, as the chestnut or the acorn.
4.any of various devices or ornaments resembling a nut.
5.a block, usually of metal and generally square or hexagonal, perforated with a threaded hole so that it can be screwed down on a bolt to hold together objects through which the bolt passes.
6.Slang. the head.
7.Slang. a.a person who is very enthusiastic about something; buff; enthusiast; devotee: He's a real circus nut. b.an extremely concerned or zealous person: My boss is a nut on double-checking everything.
8.Slang. a.a foolish, silly, or eccentric person. b.Offensive. an insane person; psychotic.
9.Slang: Vulgar. a testis.
10.Informal. a.the operating expenses, usually figured weekly, of a theatrical production or other commercial enterprise; a break-even point. b.the total cost of producing a theatrical production or of forming and opening any new business venture.
11.Music. (in instruments of the violin family) a.the ledge, as of ebony, at the upper end of the fingerboard, over which the strings pass. b.the movable piece at the lower end of the bow, by means of which the hairs may be slackened or tightened.
12.Printing. en (def. 2).
–verb (used without object)
13.to seek for or gather nuts: to go nutting in late autumn.
14.to totally blow your load; ejaculate: I'm gonna fuckin' nut in your nostril, sweetheart.
15.from soup to nuts. soup (def. 7).
16.hard nut to crack, a.a problem difficult to solve; a formidable undertaking. b.a person difficult to know, understand, or convince. Also, tough nut to crack.
17.off one's nut, Slang. a.Sometimes Offensive. foolish, silly, or insane. b.confused; unreasonable. c.mistaken or wrong: You're off your nut if you think such a plan can succeed.
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Old 03.04.2007, 10:58 PM   #5
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You can only have one word of the day per day! If this is an adumbration for what is to come of the Word of the Day, I dant no part!!!
sandwich klub 4 men.

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Old 03.04.2007, 11:01 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by k-krack
You can only have one word of the day per day! If this is an adumbration for what is to come of the Word of the Day, I dant no part!!!

Please read the thread title again and consider recanting the above post. Nice use of "adumbration" though.
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Old 03.04.2007, 11:08 PM   #7
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hahaha I realized after I posted that it says "word(s)". ...I still wanted to use "adumbration," though
sandwich klub 4 men.

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Old 03.04.2007, 11:11 PM   #8
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cantankerous: disagreeable, argumentative, ill-tempered, unwilling to cooperate

and for old times' sake...

saturnine: melancholy, unhappy, bitter, scornful, sluggish in temperament, showing a brooding, ill humor
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Old 03.04.2007, 11:14 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Everyneurotic

pronoun: a noun that has sold out
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Old 03.04.2007, 11:27 PM   #11
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pronoun: an abreviation of "pronounced" when one is too lazy to finish a sentence.
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Old 03.04.2007, 11:33 PM   #12
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Pendejo- A slur calling someone an idiot.
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Old 03.05.2007, 12:09 PM   #13
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Old 03.05.2007, 12:43 PM   #14
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Old 03.05.2007, 01:06 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Pendejo- A slur calling someone an idiot.

I thought that meant asshole.

after doubting myself, I went to wiki:


Pendejo is etymologically related to the Latin pectiniculus, meaning pubic hair or anal hair. It may be translated as asshole in many situations, though it carries an extra implication of rank and willful incompetence.

LOL @ anal hair. that's so much worse than calling someone an asshole or an idiot.

I plan to find new ways of using that as a slur en englais.

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Old 03.05.2007, 01:08 PM   #16
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true: pendejos = pubes+asshairs, and from there the other derivations.

however not all spanish speaking countries use the word in its original sense.


ps: asshole could be: ano, esfinter, ojete, ojo/hueco del culo, botacaca, orto, chico, etc.

examples: cuando estuvo en la cárcel le metieron la rata por el chico
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Old 03.06.2007, 01:30 PM   #17
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A. n.

Philos. Usu. in form Peripatetic. A student or follower of Aristotle, an Aristotelian; the sect of such followers; (more generally) a scholastic philosopher.

2. Chiefly humorous. A person who walks about; a traveller; an itinerant dealer or trader.

3. In pl. Movements to and fro or from place to place.

B. adj.

Philos. Usu. in form Peripatetic. Of, belonging to, or following the school or system of philosophy founded by Aristotle. Of a doctrine, principle, etc.: Aristotelian; held or believed by Aristotelians.

2. a. Moving about from place to place; that moves around or is capable of being moved frequently; itinerant.

b. Educ. Of a teacher: not attached to a particular school, etc., but going from place to place to give specialist training. Also: of, relating to, or characterized by this type of teaching.

3. Of a gallery, cloister, etc.: used or suitable for walking up and down. Obs. rare.

4. fig. Of speech or writing: rambling. rare.

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Old 03.06.2007, 01:32 PM   #18
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a. Any plant of the genus Wistaria (N.O. Leguminosæ), native to N. America, Japan, and China, the species of which are hardy, climbing, deciduous shrubs bearing racemes of blue-lilac papilionaceous flowers, the best known being W. sinensis (or chinensis), formerly Glycine chinensis.

b. A light blue-purple shade, the colour of wistaria blossom.
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Old 03.06.2007, 01:39 PM   #19
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1. Given to much talking; fond of indulging in talk or chatter; loquacious, talkative.

b. transf. Of birds and inanimate things: Chattering or babbling. [So L. garrulus.]

2. Of speech or talk: Characterized by garrulity; full of long rambling statements, wordy.

1854 Tennyson To F. D. Maurice v, You'll..only hear the magpie gossip Garrulous under a roof of pine. 1854 Patmore Angel in Ho. I. II. x. (1879) 239 Birds grew garrulous in the grove. 1877 L. Morris Epic Hades II. 177 The stream stayed Its garrulous tongue.
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Old 03.06.2007, 03:06 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Diesel
glad my lexicon brightened up your day.
iif you-u dont mind, i think i would i would like to be youu, except you on AM-Aamphetamine.
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