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Reload this Page So since August 1 police in LA County have killed SEVEN people (possibly more!!!)
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Old 08.18.2014, 07:11 PM   #1
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People are rioting in Ferguson over Michael Brown, meanwhile business as usual here in LA where the police have killed seven people since August 1 (that I know of, I saw these reported on/in news but there can be more that weren't reported)

SEVEN PEOPLE!!! Fucking shit. This shit is depressing. The LA Sheriff Department alone shot and killed two people in the past 24 hours. Yes, both victims were involved in a crime, but summary executions of criminals is not exactly part of the Constitutional "promise" of due process... What is the saddest thing to me is here in LA people are so numb or crass that we all just accept this shit as the status quo, indeed a lot of people almost expect it
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Old 08.18.2014, 07:35 PM   #2
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no offense, but your hometown is hell.


"Matt Groening, seen here in 2009, created Life in Hell to describe life in Los Angeles to his friends.
Life in Hell started in 1977 as a self-published comic book Groening used to describe life in Los Angeles to his friends.[1] It was inspired by his move to the city that year; in an interview with Playboy, Groening commented on his arrival: "I got [to Los Angeles] on a Friday night in August; it was about a hundred and two degrees; my car broke down in the fast lane of the Hollywood Freeway while I was listening to a drunken deejay who was giving his last program on a local rock station and bitterly denouncing the station's management. And then I had a series of lousy jobs."[2] In the comic book, Groening attacked what many young adults found repellent: school, work, and love. He described it as "every ex-campus protester's, every Boomer idealist's, conception of what adult existence in the '80s had turned out to be."[2]

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Old 08.18.2014, 09:56 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
no offense, but your hometown is hell.



Interestingly its the safest (crime wise) and most developed (economically and socially) that its been in our history, indeed ironically by certain measures per 100,000 we were actually one of the safest metropolitan areas in the US last year and the year before!!!

Unfortunately our law enforcement tactics and approach haven't matched our radical crime reduction, the police are still heavily militarized and overly violent as if it were ten or even twenty years ago hence this thread
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Old 08.20.2014, 01:22 PM   #4
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tesla69 kicks all y'all's assestesla69 kicks all y'all's assestesla69 kicks all y'all's assestesla69 kicks all y'all's assestesla69 kicks all y'all's assestesla69 kicks all y'all's assestesla69 kicks all y'all's assestesla69 kicks all y'all's assestesla69 kicks all y'all's assestesla69 kicks all y'all's assestesla69 kicks all y'all's asses
well it is less than a ten thousandnth of a percent of the total LA population that the cops kill, on an annualized basis.

and people have been out
http://www.theroot.com/articles/culture/2014/08/protestors_demand_answers_in_lapd_shooting_death_o f_ezell_ford.html

oh here, see the Hartford cops try and execute a nonarmed person, I don't care what he did, he was not any danger. This is dusturbing, which of course is the point of all these psyops.
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Old 08.20.2014, 05:42 PM   #5
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Sadly I saw a legitimate news source that suggested the annual police-related killings in the US may be in the thousands when including the 400 annual reported "justifiable" shootings with the estimated unreported numbers using coroner data as well as the reports of "unjustifiable" shootings which frighteningly are not officially reported or counted
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