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Old 01.20.2010, 09:47 AM   #1
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This is kind of old news, but has been on my mind for awhile:

We have a large population of homeless people here in Downtown Jacksonville. A virtual greeting card was distributed via email to Mayor John Peyton, Jacksonville’s city council, members of the media and others by “Downtown Merchants & Residents” on Christmas Eve morning. The card contains degrading pictures of the homeless with sacastic captions.
You can see the card at this link: http://secure.smilebox.com/ecom/openTheBox?sendevent=4d544d314d4459344f444e384d6a6 7794d6a6b304f54453d0d0a&sb=1

This disgusts me. What is this place coming to? There sure is'nt much Southern Hospitality left in the South.
Old 01.20.2010, 09:49 AM   #2
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I just realized I spelled Homeless wrong in the title, sorry!
Old 01.20.2010, 09:56 AM   #3
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totally inexcusable. The city authorities shouls realize that it hurts them not only morally but economically to have homeless in their midst.

When tourists or business get that impression they flee.

What I mean to say is that not only it is the proper moral thing to do but also the proper econimic thing to do....
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Old 01.20.2010, 10:24 AM   #4
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What upsets me is the fact that most homeless do not choose to be that way. Most have mental issues, or circumstaces happen in there life that they could not control. If you have nothing of course you are going to go to the downtown area to find what you need. This is one of the largest cities (landwise) in the entire world. A homeless person is going to hang out in the suberbs or rural areas, there are limited alleys and such for shelter. Maybe if they were allowed to use the public restroom they would'nt be pissing on the street.

Instead of making a mockery of them because the dowtowner's are holier than thou, they should try to do more to help them out. We will always have displaced people. We are also in the midst of a "poor flight" downtown, meaning the rich white people are now reclaiming the property they abandonded during the "white flight".Stripping the property away from those that have lived there since childhood. Our downtown has been impovershed and ignored for years. It's where the poorest of the poor took up residence in shanty houses. The new plan is to beautify it, and revive our historical buildings and neighborhoods for tourism and monetary purposes. Which is a great idea, but I don't think we need to blame homeless for the problem, and attack them during what is supposed to be a season of giving.

My husband's been skating downtown since we were 15, and as crazy as some are, the vagabonds down there are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. They are people just like everyone else and deserve to be treated as such.
Old 01.20.2010, 01:16 PM   #5
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florida is hardly considered 'the South'

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Old 01.20.2010, 01:18 PM   #6
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If homeless people were nice then they would have nice homes with excellent feng-shui.
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Old 01.20.2010, 01:34 PM   #7
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florida is DEEP south man!
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Old 01.20.2010, 01:45 PM   #8
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Up here the poor homeless have to deal with extreme weather some nights. Just like Jacksonville our founding fathers are trying to close down the biggest shelter in Worcester because of it's vicinity to downtown and city hall.
I agree that they are some of the realest people on this earth.
some men just want to watch the world burn
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Old 01.20.2010, 01:47 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by amerikangod
If homeless people were nice then they would have nice homes with excellent feng-shui.

or at least bleached assholes

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Old 01.20.2010, 02:01 PM   #10
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In NYC most of the homeless are families. Bloomberg's idea is to charge them rent for living in a shelter, like $1400 a month - that's more than I pay for rent in Manhattan! Obviously, THE MARKET DOESN'T WORK.
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Old 01.20.2010, 02:09 PM   #11
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bloomberg has no earthly idea what regular people pay to live.
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Old 01.20.2010, 02:40 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by davenotdead
florida is hardly considered 'the South'
(Table of recorded Lynchings 1882-1968)

(state) (whites lynched) (blacks lynched) (total)
Delaware 0 1 1
Florida 25 257 282
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Old 01.20.2010, 02:59 PM   #13
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florida fought for the confederacy. it is th soutthernmost US state. it is psissing on cuba. how is this not the SOUTH?
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Old 01.20.2010, 03:17 PM   #14
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The homeless are shot in my town. That's why you never see any around.
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Old 01.20.2010, 03:34 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by davenotdead
florida is hardly considered 'the South'

that depends on your position relative to the equator

pointing to it from patagonia i'd definitely say "no"

but looking at it from my the mid-atlantic region, it's a definite YES.

ok, miami might be a different kind of place (it's part of latin america really) but don't tell me that tallahassee and jacksonville and environs aren't as hicked-out as georgia or north carolina or tennessee, etc.
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Old 01.20.2010, 03:50 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that depends on your position relative to the equator

pointing to it from patagonia i'd definitely say "no"

but looking at it from my the mid-atlantic region, it's a definite YES.

ok, miami might be a different kind of place (it's part of latin america really) but don't tell me that tallahassee and jacksonville and environs aren't as hicked-out as georgia or north carolina or tennessee, etc.

no no my friend, "the South" has nothing to do with geography. It is a socio-cultural, politico-historical reference.. There are plenty of regions where you find "the South" outside of geography, like rural Michigan for example.
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Old 01.20.2010, 06:00 PM   #17
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those look really clean or perhaps just regular drunks that couldn't make it that particular day, they are not even crusty
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Old 01.20.2010, 06:22 PM   #18
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never been to tallahassee or some parts of the northwest corner of florida... but to my knowledge there's a lot of alabama transplants there...

as for the rest of florida, aside from parts of daytona and jacksonville, it's really not 'the South'.... listen to them speak. there's too many europeans. too many cubans/brazilians in the southern parts. tons of ny/nj/northern transplants on the western coast.

it's not the "South" , y'all

edit-almost forgot all the fuggin canadians down there, constantly

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Old 01.20.2010, 06:33 PM   #19
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florida is too touristy / has too many attractions to be a southern town. too many transplants / too much fresh blood. the south is about old blood. about how many generations you can go back. it's about yacht clubs and private christian schools, and family names.

the most touristy acceptable southern landmarks are the coca-cola factory, the new georgia aquarium, and the atl strip clubs. those and forts/civil war sites, historic districts, myrtle beach, etc.

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Old 01.20.2010, 07:33 PM   #20
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in a nearby alternate universe, swa(y) the undeleted is calling you all feminist pricks and telling you that homeless people like it.

10 pages have already ensued.

I thought that you might like to know.
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