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Old 06.25.2006, 10:54 AM   #1
Washing Machine
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This Thread is influnced by the rather interesting thead on 'Confusion is sex'. so I thought it would be interesting to hear peoples views/memories/first encounters with Daydream Nation. Or any unknown album triva for that matter. I don't think this album is discussed enough on this forum anymore probebly because the general feeling is that there is little that can be said about DDN that has already been said. Oh well here goes.....

Also...This question has probebly been asked many times before, but why hasn't SY's undisputed (critically speaking anyway) masterpiece 'Daydream Nation' had the Geffen Reissue treatment, when Goo and Dirty (2 albums that many consider ever-so-slightly flawed) have?
....Of Course its some kinda cosmic payback for being too ironic!
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Old 06.25.2006, 10:59 AM   #2
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Really isn't as grea as everyone makes out. SY have done better album that Daydream nation. My 2p.

Down with this sort of thing.
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Old 06.25.2006, 11:15 AM   #3
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Well the reason DDN has always been my favourite is because it just strikes up so much imagery in my head about youth, new york/USA. Particularly 'The Sprawl'. It just has such an individual and cohesive sprirt that completely sets it apart from any other SY album. Its very much an 80's album like Dirty is very much a 90's GenX album
....Of Course its some kinda cosmic payback for being too ironic!
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Old 06.25.2006, 11:19 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Washing Machine
Also...This question has probebly been asked many times before, but why hasn't SY's undisputed (critically speaking anyway) masterpiece 'Daydream Nation' had the Geffen Reissue treatment, when Goo and Dirty (2 albums that many consider ever-so-slightly flawed) have?

probably cuz daydream wasnt a geffen release. it was a blastfirst release over here anyway.... i was understanding that there is a redux daydream nation in the making or at least in the planning stages....

my 2 cents.... best sy album, 3rd best album ever
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Old 06.25.2006, 11:43 AM   #5
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i remember first listening to it with headphones in a car going through tunnels in Pittsburgh, it fell so surreal, I was also reading You are a Spiritual Being having a Human Experience, so I conjured up this amazing imagery in my head of the metaphysical body which gave the album a dream-like quality....
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Old 06.25.2006, 11:50 AM   #6
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Sublime? The Sprawl was influenced by Neuromancer, just as Pattern Recognition was influenced by the eponymous book. The album definitely sets a mood, from start to finish, moved along by the ever-so-punk guitars, crashing and swirling endlessly. The only respite is Providence and it's eerie, fuzzed-out dreamlike quality only adds to the album's atmosphere. At the very least, this is a very, cohesive, well-made, well thought out album.

Of course, on the other hand, maybe SY shits stuff like this... It's still good though...
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Old 06.25.2006, 12:25 PM   #7
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daydream nation
it was my favorite SY album
but now i just cant decide which one is

i really like the mood the album sets
its a very unique album
i dont think any other sy album sounds much like it

and i think its probably the best album to come out of the 80s....
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Old 06.25.2006, 12:30 PM   #8
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There are a million things I can say about it, but it is truly one of the most unique and wonderful records ever made. Nothing I've ever heard sounds like it.
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Old 06.25.2006, 12:33 PM   #9
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Meh. Cross The Breeze is one of my favorite SY songs. Decent album.
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Old 06.25.2006, 12:38 PM   #10
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definetly not one of my favorite albums. i really don't know why this album is praised so much. It has it's moments, but not their best.

PM me please


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Old 06.25.2006, 12:40 PM   #11
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It's super.
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Old 06.25.2006, 02:27 PM   #12
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Steve shines the brightest on Daydream if you ask me....but you didn't so.......
Confusion is next and next after that is the Truth.
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Old 06.25.2006, 02:42 PM   #13
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It would be cooler if this thread was about Daycare Nation.
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Old 06.25.2006, 03:03 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Gookid
It would be cooler if this thread was about Daycare Nation.

because there arent thousands of them on this message board....
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Old 06.25.2006, 03:05 PM   #15
atari 2600
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yeah Daydream Nation & Goo are drum showcases.

Jutta Koether's liner notes from the dgc version make me feel too intimidated to offer much of a commentary (at the moment anyway)...i remember reading those & feeling lots of resonance with my own impressions of the album.
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Old 06.25.2006, 03:14 PM   #16
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I didn't like it at first. My first SY album was Goo and a friend said "You have to get DDN! It's the best". It may have been his hype, but I was let down. Of course, I love it now but it is not my "definition" of SY at their best. That honor goes to Sister, WM, and MS for each era. Let me reiterate: amazing album but it had to grow on me.
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Old 06.25.2006, 03:27 PM   #17
John Violence
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My favorite album of all time. I love every moment on DDN. I think that it's at it's best listened all the way through.
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Old 06.25.2006, 03:40 PM   #18
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It was the first album of theirs I've heard, the one that got me into them, and still my favourite.
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Old 06.25.2006, 04:00 PM   #19
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great record without a doubt!

The Sprawl & Hyperstation are my all time favourites!
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Old 06.25.2006, 07:23 PM   #20
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[quote=atari 2600]
Jutta Koether's liner notes from the dgc version make me feel too intimidated quote]

who is that guy anyway?

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