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View Poll Results: ask me, i am asking you
the bubble burn my tongue 2 10.00%
i have the occasional drink 2 10.00%
depends on the situation 7 35.00%
i need a bender everyonce in a while 8 40.00%
oh shit, my head hurts, and looks like i need a new iphone again 1 5.00%
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Old 11.09.2008, 06:03 PM   #1
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i am just thinking whatever you use, do you consider the consequences, or do you not care and just wish to have fun/drown yourself in inebriation to the point where you don't wanna have to feel responsible?

i think of this on two front with my drinking,

1 - when i was in the catskills for atp, i could drink as much as i wanted the first two days without worrying about anything but having a good time, and listening to great music and hanging out with friends and not having to drive made it that much easier, which allowed me to get more drunk then i had ever been on that friday evening

2 - on halloween, i wanted to go down and enjoy halloween in dc, but didn't want to drive, so i took the subway down, but after my night of excess and drunken debachery, knowing the metro was closed, i figured i could get a free cab ride with sober ride, but i fucked up, i dropped my phone in the toilet, and ended up stranded in downtown dc in the freezing cold til 4am when a cabbie would take me to my car miles north in md, by which time i was sober enough to drive, i kinda knew this risk going into the night but i still did it regardless

question is do you think before do, do you not care in care-free or nihlist sense, or just have your one drink and get up sing that song at the karoke that makes you laugh and call that your "lost weekend"?
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Old 11.09.2008, 06:12 PM   #2
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Get hammered when you know where you're at; get less fucked if you need a taxi; get merry when you're in a different country; don't get fucked where you can't. Have fun at all times.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 11.09.2008, 06:23 PM   #3
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I got much better than ever at that. Occasionally I still fall asleep on the night bus and end up in exotic Romford, but that's nothing compared to my previous persona. Black cabs are expensive here, especially after midnight, and unless I'm with someone else, I don't take mini cabs for fear of being raped.
Old 11.09.2008, 06:27 PM   #4
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I don't drink so I'm ok.
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Old 11.09.2008, 06:58 PM   #5
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We always have a designated driver.
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Old 11.09.2008, 07:24 PM   #6
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the other night I fell asleep on the train and woke up in cambridge.
last night i told the random canadian who started a conversation with me that canada knows nothing about war, only to find out he was in the canadian army and had done a tour of duty in afghanistan, i've never seen someone so offended and bummed out. he was a bit of a twat though, so it's ok.
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Old 11.09.2008, 10:17 PM   #7
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I have a feeling that anything I would type here would result in !@#$%! replying with a picture of Aristotle.
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Old 11.09.2008, 11:15 PM   #8
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How long are your train rides home?
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Old 11.10.2008, 02:33 AM   #9
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I am well aware of the consequences. But not only am I good at drunk driving, I enjoy it. Then again, i ride my bike a lot.

i break inebriation down into different levels: Buzzed, drunk, hammered, gone, dead. In chronological order. I have not reached "dead" yet. I mostly get buzzed. But I also get "drunk" a lot. The thing is, I remember everything, and am fully aware of my surroundings. I am completely coherent, but I stutter and slur my words, and run into things. When I drive when i am drunk, I focus all my attention on driving. I obey every traffic law in the book, and I'm even a defensive, generous and courteous driver. I stay drunk for a long time. I can drink for hours before I get "hammered."

And I'm only gone when i drink vodka.
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Old 11.10.2008, 02:41 AM   #10
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I somehow get the worst hangovers. Like bed bound headaches from even just getting buzzed.
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Old 11.10.2008, 02:58 AM   #11
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a bit of both. I have more fun when I dont think too much. my current partner is a big 'no but we cant go and do that tonight because we have to drive home.. you can drink, but I wont'

and then I dont drink because I hate drinking alone.

I used to just wing it. and I kind of miss that. I miss getting home at 3 am and the not going to bed for another two hours.

mind you, I used to go with other people, or at least one other person, and I dont have many friends to go out with atm. so.. I dont have much choice. If you go alone and you're female esp it makes the night pretty un fun.

the last time I went out by myself to a show and had one or two drinks and met him later somewhere else, had one more drink and went home. this seems to work okay, but its hard because then we have to kind of arrange what time to meet and such.
tiny and lost.
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Old 11.10.2008, 03:18 AM   #12
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i drink once a week or two weeks. i got drunk on friday and on halloween, but both of those times were the first time since labor day that i drank that much.
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Old 11.10.2008, 06:06 AM   #13
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I used to cycle home when drunk - not the world's greatest idea, in retrospect. I now let either a taxi or public transport take the strain. I've fallen asleep on the bus/tube more times than I care to remember (Happened about 5 months ago, and ended up miles outside my destination at about 1.30 am - niiiice).
Snow on Easter Sunday - Jesus Christ in reverse.
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Old 11.10.2008, 07:51 PM   #14
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the dumbest thing i have ever done was eating half a pizza after having having a half bottle of jameson's, but i was at home so no biggie except for the clean up

i got close in new york, but i didn't have anything of note to throw up
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Old 11.10.2008, 07:54 PM   #15
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I once threw up in a club, I got kicked out. Fun times.
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Old 11.10.2008, 07:58 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by pantophobia
the dumbest thing i have ever done was eating half a pizza after having having a half bottle of jameson's, but i was at home so no biggie except for the clean up

my silliest was a half bottle of champagne with a plate of twiggy, and then a few glasses of red. not a pretty sight.
tiny and lost.
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Old 11.10.2008, 08:19 PM   #17
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Sarcasm[A] is stating the opposite of an intended meaning especially in order to sneeringly, slyly, jest or mock a person, situation or thing

|@ <------- Euphoric brain cell just moments before expiration

_ \ / _
PING <-------- moments later
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Old 11.10.2008, 10:30 PM   #18
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I don't drink often and I can enjoy just taking a shot or two. I don't drink beer so when I do DRINK I tend to get drunk but I am a very stable drunk.
My Music(grunge rock)

A part of this blue shit since June 24th, 2004
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Old 11.10.2008, 10:31 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by pantophobia
the dumbest thing i have ever done was eating half a pizza after having having a half bottle of jameson's, but i was at home so no biggie except for the clean up

i got close in new york, but i didn't have anything of note to throw up

Double. I've only had a single swig of Jameson but it was pretty good.
My Music(grunge rock)

A part of this blue shit since June 24th, 2004
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