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Old 09.18.2008, 04:12 AM   #1
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Figuring I don't want to contribute to a bunch of political threads crowding out the forum, I think we should just have one thread for those interested to talk about new developments and shit. Yay or nay?

Anyways, it seems that John McCain confused Spain for Mexico in a Spanish interview.


Oh yeah, and he also assumed the Spanish prime minister was a Latin American anti-U.S. commie terrorist.

(note: I figure bolding and enlarging new topic titles will help keep the new updates separated from fallout discussion of previous topics)
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Old 09.18.2008, 04:16 AM   #2
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McSame is lolable.
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Old 09.18.2008, 09:51 AM   #3
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Old 09.18.2008, 10:29 AM   #4
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is bullshit.
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Old 09.18.2008, 10:31 AM   #5
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Old 09.18.2008, 10:38 AM   #6
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Vote for Suchfriends ... clearly.
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Old 09.18.2008, 11:17 AM   #7
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Yes we all hate repukes, they are a bunch of shits, they are ruining this country, they are controled by a bunch of money-grubbing gun-toting bible-thumping yahoos who don't believe in science, they will be our destruction, and every day there is a new piece of shitty news about what a load of useless motherfuckers their leaders are... and yet, what are you doing in this election? Are you registered to vote? Are you trained to register voters? Are you calling people? Are you canvassing neighborhoods? Have you donated money or supplies to your campaign? What will you do on election day?

Elections are won by real people casting votes-- mostly, people in battleground states. Talking about it on the internet doesn't win elections.


Right now: Nevada, Colorado, Montana, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, and New Hampshire are undecided.

Many other states are weak in their support of either candidate and could flip by election day.

I'm lucky to be in New Mexico where it's been a tossup until recenty, and the election is far from a secure win for Obama, so I'm working to ensure that the state goes blue in the election. But come on people. Time to get off our asses!

All of you who live in Florida could help win Florida. North Carolina and Missouri can still be won by Obama-Biden. Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania need to be firmly blue.

And then there's the congressional elections. We need to boot out those assholes who have supported backwards policies for decades.

DO NOT FORGET that the 2000 election was lost because 500 votes were miscounted. You cannot do that with impunity when there is a clear margin of victory. Do not expect that there will be any less shenanigans this time around. But things will not change unless we get off the internet & do something that gets real people casting votes. Yes I hate to paraphrase Le Tigre, but if you want to smash the right wing, I'll meet you in the street, blah blah blah. Seriously. We need to start taking action. Early voting starts in October, so the time to get involved is now.
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Old 09.18.2008, 11:45 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
Vote for Suchfriends ... clearly.

no, that would be the equal bullshit, vote for yrself and take yr own initiative to go out and make the changes you demand one step at a time.. voting is a dead end.
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Old 09.18.2008, 11:54 AM   #9
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if you really want to know the true meaning of futility, come to oklahoma and vote blue!
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Old 09.18.2008, 11:59 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
if you really want to know the true meaning of futility, come to oklahoma and vote blue!

you're next to arkansas, which could turn blue.

i have a friend from new york who has spent some weekends canvassing new hampshire.

there's a bright idea...
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Old 09.18.2008, 05:20 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
no, that would be the equal bullshit, vote for yrself and take yr own initiative to go out and make the changes you demand one step at a time.. voting is a dead end.
I don't see why one can't take their own initiative as well as still have faith in the American political system.

But this thread isn't here for you to continue on in your quasi-revolutionary daydreaming. It's here to facilitate election discussion.
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Old 09.18.2008, 07:14 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!

All of you who live in Florida could help win Florida.

i'm not 18, but im tryin to talk all my friends who are to register and vote but they're all so fuckin lazy. i got a couple down, so i do feel like i accomplished something.

& im still lookin for a way to help out. what am i supposed to do? is there supposed to be like a local democrat 'headquarters' or something? sorry for my ignorance but i just dont know what the hell i can do.
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Old 09.18.2008, 07:27 PM   #13
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I don't think I'm going to vote this year.
Oh and I think Obama is no better than McCain.
(I will not reply to this)
My Music(grunge rock)

A part of this blue shit since June 24th, 2004
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Old 09.18.2008, 07:27 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by TheDom
i'm not 18, but im tryin to talk all my friends who are to register and vote but they're all so fuckin lazy. i got a couple down, so i do feel like i accomplished something.

& im still lookin for a way to help out. what am i supposed to do? is there supposed to be like a local democrat 'headquarters' or something? sorry for my ignorance but i just dont know what the hell i can do.

yeah, look for your local obama headquarters.

or you can sign up online:


you can canvass your family, your friends, your friend's parents, your older friends, relatives, etc.

the page i posted you above reads like this:

How do you want to get Involved?

Read through some of the most important ways that you can spread this movement now, and get started today. Election Day is only a few weeks away now, and it is critical that we do everything we can to be the change that we have been waiting for. Learn more by clicking on one of the options below to get involved.
I'll talk to anyone
I'll talk to my friends, family, and neighbors
I want to help on my own
and that's it! they make it really easy on you.
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Old 09.18.2008, 07:42 PM   #15
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Old 09.18.2008, 07:44 PM   #16
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GMKU, I'm looking @ you in North Carolina.
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Old 09.18.2008, 07:57 PM   #17
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and to end my postings for the day, here's an email i got the other day from a friend, describing his experiences canvassing & more, i've anonymized it for the interwebs:
All right people, here's my feeling on this:
The last time we had a candidate running on a genuinely progressive platform with a real shot at winning was 1976. I don't want to wait another 32 years for this chance. The election is going to come down to the ground game. Who
gets out the vote. Arianna Huffington, Fox News, Maureen Dowd, the National Enquirer and Keith Olbermann are not going to decide this election. Because of our charming electoral college system, humans voting in swing states are
going to decide it. If you live in or near a swing state, here's a couple things you can do.

Canvassing is the Number 1 way to get people to vote. [ ] and i have been canvassing for Obama in New Hampshire, one of the crucial swing states (here's a link to more: http://www.pollster.com/) . The Obama campaign makes
it pretty easy. You sign up for one of their groups like Missouri for Obama or Teachers for Obama on their website. You can also search for the nearest field office on their website near you and contact them. Here is an example
of an email to see if I want to do a Pennsylvania cross border run.

Make sure your students are registered. If they are from a swing state, they can vote at their parents' address. Here's a good place to start:
http://www.voteforchange.com/ I am also working to organize students at [ ] College for canvassing in NH. Every school has a student coordinator and you can contact them. So you are not pushing your politics on them, you can give your own students info about the McCain office to volunteer near
you as well as whatever you or an Obama student coordinator at your school are planning.

We drove into neighborhoods with NY plates, parking and walking, people were very nice. People are likely relieved you aren't religious nuts. You go with another person and if you are not comfortable someplace you don't go.
The campaign asks that you talk about why you are supporting Obama and they ask that you don't debate. So if they are for McCain you just thank them for
their time. Generally, the people they send you to are really (amazingly!!) undecided. The idea is to get people to move a little to the left: leaning mccain to undecided to leaning obama to strong obama to volunteer. The campaign gives you some talking points, but it's really important that you
just make contact, be nice and leave some info.

There is also telephones, voter registration and other ways to help that are explained on the website and outside groups like http://www.moveon.org/
Anything involving human one to one contact is a good thing. Michael Moore organized a Bowling for Obama night in Michigan a couple weeks ago

Early voting starts in October so soon is good

The campaign is no frills man. If you're lucky they'll have some stale nachos and old coffee. All of their money is going to get out the vote. So follow up if they contact you. They will send emails but they are busy as hell.

Feel free to pass this on or cut it up and add to it. This is not official.
I'm just trying to keep things moving.

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Old 09.18.2008, 07:58 PM   #18
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Old 09.18.2008, 08:04 PM   #19
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!@#$%!, I live south of the border. I'm in South Carolina.

People keep telling me McCain is going to win. Democrats are telling me this. Are we fucked again?
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 09.18.2008, 08:30 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by gmku
!@#$%!, I live south of the border. I'm in South Carolina.

People keep telling me McCain is going to win. Democrats are telling me this. Are we fucked again?
mang i just came back to say


come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




at worst, you might just meet some congenial people.

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