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Old 04.28.2006, 05:10 AM   #1
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One of the best i've ever seen(but i cant remember the name of the song just as well) has to be Michael Bolton on the top of a skyscraper while a helicopter is flying all around him and he literally grabs his felt emotions from the air.Priceless!!

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Old 04.28.2006, 05:40 AM   #2
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that madonna video where she sings.
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Old 04.28.2006, 05:49 AM   #3
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i love all the 80s rock videos with the theme of the parents who won't let them rock. the best is that nelson video where the kid's dad yells at him, he goes into his room to sulk and the indian on the poster on his wall comes to life, hands him a feather and guides him to his own personal nelson concert. at the end he thinks it was just a dream, but alas, the feather is in his room!! there's also the theme of the kids becoming possessed by the rock (glowing eyes and all), like ozzy's shot in the dark or kiss' i love it loud.

on the cheesy pop video tip, there's the paula abdul video where keanu reaves makes a cameo where they're at that 50s car race ala grease and she asks him "have you ever been in love?" and he says "if i was i didn't know it" and they have this really stupid conversation that i believe ends with one of them saying something like "it just reminds us that we're all alone." she had really bad videos - like the one where she dances with the cartoon cat.
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Old 04.28.2006, 06:53 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
that madonna video where she sings.

Madonna's okay, I reckon. So there.

Most ridiculous moment in a pop video is easy peasy! About five yeras ago there was a song by Westlife, called (I think) 'A WOrld of Our Own'. As it happens the theme of them being in a world of their own was rather appropriate.

At the start of the vid they get out of a car in an underground car park or something and start trying to look tough! I kid you not, watching this bunch of ******** **** **** ******'s trying to look all hard and street is the most hilarious musical moment I've ever witnessed (and that includes that guy from Carter USM rugby-tackling Phillip Schofield at that awards thing).

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Old 04.28.2006, 08:59 AM   #5
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Celine dion is one of the greatest for naff pop videos.I love the fact that she goes for the crescendo thing(go to some gay bars and you'll see what i mean).She will be swept away by the wind,rained upon etc.Metereological conditions work fantastically well in her videos.They allow her to emotionally blackmail her audience into buyng her shitty records.

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Old 04.28.2006, 09:06 AM   #6
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Eddie Van Halen rocking a shred solo while parading down the world's longest school cafeteria table!
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Old 04.28.2006, 09:09 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
that madonna video where she sings.

I really like madonna, she puts a lot into her music I find!
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Old 04.28.2006, 09:21 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by thewall91
i love all the 80s rock videos with the theme of the parents who won't let them rock. the best is that nelson video where the kid's dad yells at him, he goes into his room to sulk and the indian on the poster on his wall comes to life, hands him a feather and guides him to his own personal nelson concert. at the end he thinks it was just a dream, but alas, the feather is in his room!!

haha, yes! that reminds me of the "25 lame" special mtv did, which had comedians like jon stewart and janeane garofalo making fun of videos such as that one and these:

journey - seperate ways (lol @ the air instruments)

eddie murphy & michael jackson - whatzupwitu

wham! - wake me up before you go go

don johnson - "heartbeat"

so baaaaaad.

but i'm pretty partial to falco's "der kommissar"...

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Old 04.28.2006, 09:23 AM   #9
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i like modonna too!! uhh i can't think of any right now but it will come to me! i know it cause there are too many bad ones that i have seen!

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Old 04.28.2006, 09:34 AM   #10
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when billy squier rips his t-shirt on that video...i can't remember the name of the song, i think it's rock me tonight, the one where he is dancing like he is in flashdance
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Old 04.28.2006, 09:35 AM   #11
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that paula abdul video with keanu reeves was an homage/rip-off of REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE, not grease!
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Old 04.28.2006, 09:43 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by 3x1minus1
journey - seperate ways (lol @ the air instruments)


that's one of the greatest and unintentionally funniest videos ever made!!!!!
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Old 04.28.2006, 09:45 AM   #13
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And what is it with all those videos that have musicians climb on top off a mountain to play their guitars?Wind,Cliffs and guitar gods.Hehehe

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Old 04.28.2006, 09:48 AM   #14
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speaking of paula abdul videos.

how about the one with the cartoon cats!!! bleh!!! one of the worst videos ever.

paula abdul is one of the worst excuses for music ever.
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Old 04.28.2006, 09:51 AM   #15
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Eddie Van Halen rocking a shred solo while parading down the world's longest school cafeteria table!

see, now that video rules. especially if you were like an 11-year old girl at the time who was in love with the little david lee roth kid or the little eddie van halen kid (whichever one of them mouthed slowly "but then my homework was never quite like this")
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Old 04.28.2006, 09:55 AM   #16
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and to add another, since i'm a chronic classic vh1 watcher and previous youthful mtv addict, one of my FAVORITE moments in video history is george harrison's mid video backflip dance during the "got my mind set on you" video. he strums his guitar in a chair for the whole video, backflips off of it into this little choreographed little number with kicks and arm-swinging, then resumes his previous chair position for the last chorus. BRILLIANT!
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Old 04.28.2006, 10:07 AM   #17
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not very poppy, but Ozzy Osbourne's "shot in the dark" that video when the preppy girl is reluctant at first but goes to the ozzy concert with her friends, but hold on, she dont feel right, she feels a little toothy and hairy.... eventually ends up as a vampire... its like shes changing all nite and then suddenly....BANG!!!!!! SHES A FUCKIN VAMPIRE....
pure honest ta god goodness
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Old 04.28.2006, 10:08 AM   #18
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i can't explain to you how much i love "i got my mind set on you"

both the song and video

EDIT::i just read fishmonkey's post and yeah, ozzy has the worst videos ever. i think he is the first big artist on a major label to get little or no budget for videos, i mean, how about the video for bark at the moon? crazy train? mama i'm coming home?
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Old 04.28.2006, 02:24 PM   #19
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Axl swimming with the dolphins in Estranged

I love Slash's guitar on there though
Confusion is next and next after that is the Truth.
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Old 04.28.2006, 02:30 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by krastian
Axl swimming with the dolphins in Estranged

I love Slash's guitar on there though

yeah that's got to be up there as far as the most over-the-top, krastian

i'm replying though mainly because i'd like to proffer my theory about why he hasn't made any music in so long. If you've seen any photos of him the last few years, his already thinning hair has gotten very stringy & he's gone to dreadlocks & now extensions. The weave can't be too far away for Axl. But that's not the main reason. Look at the photos of him closely & you can see that he's had a lot of plastic surgery done...plastic surgery that went bad...real bad. Either that or Botox abuse have contributed to his mannequinn-esque appearance. This is the reason why I think his album hasn't come out in all these years like keeps getting reported.
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