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Old 10.19.2014, 11:42 AM   #1
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watchu guys thinkg about this?

I think this is fucking awful. The violence is not so much the problem for me but the message.
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Old 10.19.2014, 02:21 PM   #2
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I saw the trailer and read a bit about this whole thing

I think the guy is just a shlock artist with no imagination who can't come up with an original idea so he goes for the cheap press

the argument about do video games encourage violence has been an issue for going as far back as well, before me for sure, but I do remember the Mortal Kombat stuff very well, a friend had it on SNES which had no blood and the gory fatalities cut out, Nintendo responding to customer demand had the whole gory stuff for MK2

Video games do seem to intensify and focus rage, that much i do know, most of creeps are already maladjusted and borderline anyways, just now they can find others to have their circle jerk of dead virtual prostitues

The issue that is really concerning is all those young hetero males who are seriously becoming a real concern treating women online, finding their info and threatening them and their families

the correlation of the increase of this highly misogynistic culture and their tech savvy skills is extremely dangerous and seems the likely conclusion is someone will get killed over this
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Old 10.19.2014, 03:02 PM   #3
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It's interesting. In other games, you can technically do the same thing. Kill innocent people and whatnot. Now that there's a game that makes it an objective, people are suddenly uncomfortable.

I completely disagree with the game's message but it's just it's an interesting concept. Made to only shock people and cater to those who find fun in violence.
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Old 10.19.2014, 03:05 PM   #4
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when i first saw this earlier i went and read the interview and i thought it was sort of hilarious to abandon all pretense of goodies vs. baddies and just video-kill video characters. i've never liked much gore so it's not like something i'd play but i thought if someone wants then why not etc.

but then i read pantophobia's post and realized yes--he's right in that the already maladjusted might be encouraged to become worse.

i don't know enough about this to make a pronouncement though. but i know that in the early origin of arcade games there was this:

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Old 10.20.2014, 04:19 PM   #5
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i dont like the sound of the universe you guys are living in, in which people will be pushed over the edge by entertainment.

in fact there's nothing 'unnatural' about the sentiment of this game, and many people actually carry out such plans. we have an idea that this phenomenon is modern but there were pyscho spree killers back in the 1800's, we dont have many records of it before that but it was def still happening.

it would be more interesting to me if the protagonist, instead of angry and disgusted with the world, was instead sad, and justified his killings on ethical grounds. he decides to kill people to stop them reproducing the species and their own misery.

the thing is that the misanthropy of the character in question may be pyschopathic but it's also coldly rational and mirrors the logic in which our society is going anyway. further atomization, individualism and social disconnection. ultimately the dream is that we can each exist free from the terror of co-existence with each other.

this game is only picking up on tendencies that already exist in modernity and it's actually trying to RESCUE some ideal of the individual self.

i suspect that it's soothing to the aggro hetero male ego to indulge in such inverted nietzchean fantasies. because in reality no matter how disgusted you might be with your fellow masses and their desperate attempts at holding together fragments of a functioning, civilizing social order, you're just as much of a zombie as they are, and you're gonna be out scheming, begging or clawing for scraps of meat the same as everybody else unless you kill yourself.

none of this boring shit affects me because i already killed myself last week. have fun in hell with your moral condemnation, losers.
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Old 10.20.2014, 05:40 PM   #6
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I agree with panto. People don't need this shit and I'm not to censorship n all but created something like this purely for shock value is a cheap way to get attention. No thanks.
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Old 10.20.2014, 06:28 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by dead_battery

the thing is that the misanthropy of the character in question may be pyschopathic but it's also coldly rational and mirrors the logic in which our society is going anyway.

That's because the psychopaths run tings at the moment
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Old 10.20.2014, 06:31 PM   #8
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The thing I find most depressing is how dumb the guy making it is. He seems to be acting under the belief that rationalising no matter in how warped a way that it is done is the same thing as being smart. I guess that's what happens to people who have stronger relationships with computers than other humans.
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Old 10.20.2014, 06:35 PM   #9
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I'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner.
Yeah it is a totally lowest common denominator kind of thing, but hardly a leap.
Roller coasters have been distilled to vertical drop towers, horror films have been distilled to pure torture or facilitation of an image referred to in the title, etc.

I wish it was Pixar just making a plotless immersive stoner universe that lasts for two hours, but you know, baby steps.

Definitely a cheap way to make a splash, but appealing to the basest parts of human nature is always a quicker way to notoriety or money.

Ask Nicki Minaj.
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Old 10.20.2014, 06:38 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner.

It has, this guy isn't even doing anything original.
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Old 10.20.2014, 06:50 PM   #11
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sadder still.
Not really a gamer myself, so I'm out of the loop on that.
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Old 10.21.2014, 08:27 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
That's because the psychopaths run tings at the moment

yeah really?

im pretty sure this is just a fantasy that neuro-typical folks use to justify their niaeve belief that the system COULD run in some just way.

sociopathy/pyschopathy is real - it's not 'unnatural', being able to hack/exploit other humans brains is 'natural'.

non human entities are hacking you already, etc.
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Old 10.21.2014, 08:28 AM   #13
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also, computers are way better than humans.
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Old 10.22.2014, 01:16 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by deflinus
It's interesting. In other games, you can technically do the same thing. Kill innocent people and whatnot. Now that there's a game that makes it an objective, people are suddenly uncomfortable.

I completely disagree with the game's message but it's just it's an interesting concept. Made to only shock people and cater to those who find fun in violence.

The Grand Theft Auto games immediately spring to mind. Everyone had such fun murdering innocents using a vast array of weaponry and by using other "ingenious" ways utilizing the environment.
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Old 10.25.2014, 02:32 AM   #15
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every first person shooter is exactly the same, the other ones just try to make it normal by coming up with some thin veil of a plot which usually comes down to 'you're american!' now use yr freedom to go to <insert place without freedom> and save the world'!!!

how come goldeneye is more moral? because he works for the english government? i don't care about the english government at all tho! like is this game only bad because he doesn't have a 'licence to kill'
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Old 10.25.2014, 10:53 AM   #16
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whaa? Why is that the normal thought? Sure you kill in CoD games...but I mean...you're taking the place of a soldier, instead of a psychopath. Ya...know...wiht the setting of kill them before they killyou! and not....Kill them because you're an angry asshole!
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Old 10.25.2014, 05:54 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by EVOLghost
whaa? Why is that the normal thought? Sure you kill in CoD games...but I mean...you're taking the place of a soldier, instead of a psychopath. Ya...know...wiht the setting of kill them before they killyou! and not....Kill them because you're an angry asshole!

if you're invading someone elses country they're doing the right thing by killing you, so that self defense shit doesn't fly. each war that's ever occurred is more immoral than every shooting spree in history combined, just cause you're following orders from some authority doesn't mean yr actions are any less harmful.

i'd way rather get shot by some wacko than a foreign agent hired to destabilize my country for the benefit of a small portion of american/english society, which is what the more moral shooting games are about, xenophobic pro-war crime propaganda
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Old 10.26.2014, 07:18 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I horror films have been distilled to pure torture or facilitation of an image referred to in the title, etc.

This is so true. So much modern horror feels more like revengeful ''art dude'' sadism than enjoyable exploration.
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