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Old 06.08.2013, 05:18 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by dead_battery
well humanity is a monoculture if you want to look at it like that.

of course we're moving towards homogenization, but we're not there yet completely, no.

travel a little while it still matters.

it's going to get worse.
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Old 06.08.2013, 05:32 PM   #22
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can i travel to somewhere where i never have to hear your condescending advice to travel again?
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Old 06.08.2013, 05:45 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by dead_battery
can i travel to somewhere where i never have to hear your condescending advice to travel again?
just pack your soylent and start hitchhiking the fuck out of that hellhole. ps- for someone with no self, your ego gets wounded easily (and neither this, nor that, was meant condescendingly).
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Old 06.08.2013, 06:20 PM   #24
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all roads lead to nowhere.
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Old 06.08.2013, 06:24 PM   #25
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and i just dont need constant advice about my personal life after each post i make. if you are so interested then ask me about it by pm or something.
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Old 06.08.2013, 06:55 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by dead_battery
and i just dont need constant advice about my personal life after each post i make. if you are so interested then ask me about it by pm or something.
i'm not interested in an exchange abput personal lives here, i'm just responding to your ideas as somewhat of a perspectivist myself, e.g., kant wrote the way he did because he wrote while sitting down. etc. since in this kind of discussion there's no scientific objectivity (goodbye big narratives), personal bias must be taken into account.

and so, from what i've experienced first-hand, while 95% of human traits are obviously universal, we still have a bit left of "cultural diversity" on the planet, and it's worth witnessing and protecting it while we can (just like the fucking rainforests, etc.). i understand it if you haven't seen/lived such apparent chimeras, but they nevertheless exist and are worth knowing. and so, along those lines, the question of local vs. centralized decision-making is a politically and economically relevant one.

this all goes back to the issue of "what's wrong with a world government" (modernity vs post-modernity, if you will). potentially, a lot. and i'm not talking about alien lizard-people. i'm talking about the universal reproduction of america (so far, germans hate walmart greeters, thank fuck), or some bureaucrat in belgium deciding what sort of crops a subsaharan farmer should grow.
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Old 06.09.2013, 05:40 AM   #27
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brah, kant may have written sitting down but he took the same walk at the same time in the same place every single day of his life.

brahbrah, haven't you read baudrillards take on native american reservations in simulation and simulacra?

read page 7, Rameses, or the rosy coloured resurrection. it makes it look like your protectionism of cultural diversity may in fact just be a more potent form of destruction.

also bizarre that you would equate one world government with loss of cultural diversity, because if anything a one world government would be more interested in preserving specific cultural heritages in order to prove its inclusiveness.

and a sub saharan farmer is gonna sell whatever crops he can sell, which means his decision will be based on what will be consumed by people in other countries. that isn't tyranny, thats an integrated global system were he has the option to sell abroad thanks to transport technology. aint nothing wrong with that.

and ameribrah, please will you and all the other ameribros stop flattering yourselves that you're in any position to form a one world government. please. this isn't 1998. ni hao motherfucker. stop shooting pistols in the air and dancing on the spot for a second, then you might hear the sound of a hundred doors closing and foreign diplomats whispering 'yes... china... new reserve currency... yes... i agree... the dollars day is over... yes..."

can also confirm that, in fact, the rest of the world FUCKING APED america due to its own wish to be like it. the height of this was the 90's when everyone was baffled that your free market fundamentalism seemed to be working so well and we all started making malls and copying your mannerisms cos it seemed like you had the secret. it wasn't cultural imperialism (except for the countries you invaded/staged coups in to steal resources from) it was a enthusiastic imitation. we sold our centuries of proud heritage for a greasy big mac, and it was so worth it, as we die in the gutter from diabesity we raise our pudgy fists in the air and gurgle 'FREEDUMB!'. our sagging, cholesterol clogged eyelids close for the last time a bald eagle flies past, waiting to consume our rancid flesh as our heart beats its last beat and we take our final breath.
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Old 06.09.2013, 06:36 AM   #28
Toilet & Bowels
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Originally Posted by dead_battery
brah, kant may have written sitting down but he took the same walk at the same time in the same place every single day of his life.

brahbrah, haven't you read baudrillards take on native american reservations in simulation and simulacra?

read page 7, Rameses, or the rosy coloured resurrection. it makes it look like your protectionism of cultural diversity may in fact just be a more potent form of destruction.

also bizarre that you would equate one world government with loss of cultural diversity, because if anything a one world government would be more interested in preserving specific cultural heritages in order to prove its inclusiveness.

and a sub saharan farmer is gonna sell whatever crops he can sell, which means his decision will be based on what will be consumed by people in other countries. that isn't tyranny, thats an integrated global system were he has the option to sell abroad thanks to transport technology. aint nothing wrong with that.

and ameribrah, please will you and all the other ameribros stop flattering yourselves that you're in any position to form a one world government. please. this isn't 1998. ni hao motherfucker. stop shooting pistols in the air and dancing on the spot for a second, then you might hear the sound of a hundred doors closing and foreign diplomats whispering 'yes... china... new reserve currency... yes... i agree... the dollars day is over... yes..."

can also confirm that, in fact, the rest of the world FUCKING APED america due to its own wish to be like it. the height of this was the 90's when everyone was baffled that your free market fundamentalism seemed to be working so well and we all started making malls and copying your mannerisms cos it seemed like you had the secret. it wasn't cultural imperialism (except for the countries you invaded/staged coups in to steal resources from) it was a enthusiastic imitation. we sold our centuries of proud heritage for a greasy big mac, and it was so worth it, as we die in the gutter from diabesity we raise our pudgy fists in the air and gurgle 'FREEDUMB!'. our sagging, cholesterol clogged eyelids close for the last time a bald eagle flies past, waiting to consume our rancid flesh as our heart beats its last beat and we take our final breath.

One aspect of American culture I think you could stand to benefit from is the trend to over-medicate.
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Old 06.09.2013, 06:42 AM   #29
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brah, i'm just mentally chill.

deal with it.
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Old 06.09.2013, 12:14 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by dead_battery
brah, kant may have written sitting down but he took the same walk at the same time in the same place every single day of his life.

i know this. i was just exemplifying. let me be less subtle then and address you: if you look at the world only from your own bedroom terminal you're going to miss a lot of nuance. sense-data and face-to-face human interaction cannot be replaced by theory written by a handful of male, white, european tenured professors and the hand-picked minority colleagues they endorse.

Originally Posted by dead_battery
brahbrah, haven't you read baudrillards take on native american reservations in simulation and simulacra?

read page 7, Rameses, or the rosy coloured resurrection. it makes it look like your protectionism of cultural diversity may in fact just be a more potent form of destruction.

like this, for example. i haven't read that, not yet anyway, but reservations have a long and complex chapter in the history of native extermination and apartheid by anglo invaders (the iberian invaders interfucked and created complex caste systems instead). and yes these places are potent forms of destruction but that doesn't mean they can't be appropriated by their occupants in different ways-- and i'm writing you from an actual native american reservation right now. but you can't summarize all this in one line though. come over and smell it for yourself.

but regardless, reservations were not created by self-determination, they were imposed by a foreign/ central (federal) government upon the people they intended to control. even today, indian reservations are under the supervision of the federal government, and the struggle for self-determination is ongoing.

Originally Posted by dead_battery
also bizarre that you would equate one world government with loss of cultural diversity, because if anything a one world government would be more interested in preserving specific cultural heritages in order to prove its inclusiveness.

a single government wouldn't necessarily have to prove anything to anyone because they could theoretically afford to do their bidding unchallenged. again, we go back to the problem of remote control vs. local decision making-- just like free markets aren't perfect but are more efficient than planned economies, free societies tend to thrive vs. those ordained by supreme soviets & the u.s. department of the interior and the like.

now, i wouldn't be opposed to some sort of federated pact of non-aggression based around something like the universal declarationof human rights, but coming from a long line of nomadic peoples i'll always want a place to run away from my problems (some fights aren't worth fighting as you know). the perpetuation of social and cultural diversity ensures that one can always "get the fuck out of the country".

Originally Posted by dead_battery
and a sub saharan farmer is gonna sell whatever crops he can sell, which means his decision will be based on what will be consumed by people in other countries. that isn't tyranny, thats an integrated global system were he has the option to sell abroad thanks to transport technology. aint nothing wrong with that.

that's not what i'm saying. i created a hypothetical example of central planning ("we'll need 100,000 new pairs of shoes next year").

Originally Posted by dead_battery
and ameribrah, please will you and all the other ameribros stop flattering yourselves that you're in any position to form a one world government. please. this isn't 1998. ni hao motherfucker. stop shooting pistols in the air and dancing on the spot for a second, then you might hear the sound of a hundred doors closing and foreign diplomats whispering 'yes... china... new reserve currency... yes... i agree... the dollars day is over... yes..."

im not saying the u.s. will create a world government, but i am fucking terrified of china creating one precisely because of their centralized, top-down, authoritarian approach to government. however, china isn't quite a superpower just yet. they have a lot of challenges ahead.

Originally Posted by dead_battery
can also confirm that, in fact, the rest of the world FUCKING APED america due to its own wish to be like it. the height of this was the 90's when everyone was baffled that your free market fundamentalism seemed to be working so well and we all started making malls and copying your mannerisms cos it seemed like you had the secret. it wasn't cultural imperialism (except for the countries you invaded/staged coups in to steal resources from) it was a enthusiastic imitation. we sold our centuries of proud heritage for a greasy big mac, and it was so worth it, as we die in the gutter from diabesity we raise our pudgy fists in the air and gurgle 'FREEDUMB!'. our sagging, cholesterol clogged eyelids close for the last time a bald eagle flies past, waiting to consume our rancid flesh as our heart beats its last beat and we take our final breath.

yeah that was a sad spectacle, ha ha ha.

anyway, the imitation of 'merica isn't america itself though. again, you don't get everything from books/tv/the internet. and i know i sound tiresome with this but for someone so preoccupied with ameribrahland you should come and visit, see for yourself, meet different kinds of people (a la borat), and you'll realize that while there is a large and obnoxious mainstream of american culture (ever watched the "today" show for breakfast? vomit...) there are also a myriad subcultures and a large underground at work, and part of the reason they exist is because the federal vs. state vs. local power struggles that remain at the core of american politics allow them to exist (there are a lot of "in-between" spaces to inhabit). this is a lot more complex in real experience than what reductionist approaches will show you through your bedroom window though, dr. faust.
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Old 06.10.2013, 09:09 AM   #31
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“What we disclosed is that the American government is surveilling its own citizens, people who are suspected of no wrongdoing,” he went on. “The only thing that has been damaged here is not national security. What has been damaged is the reputation and credibility of the political officials who want to hide behind top secret designations to conceal their own wrongdoing, and that’s really what they’re angry about.”- Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald
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Old 06.10.2013, 09:29 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by tesla69
“What we disclosed is that the American government is surveilling its own citizens, people who are suspected of no wrongdoing,”

Makes me wonder what sort of wrongdoings I, as a Dutchman, am suspected of by the NSA.
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Old 06.10.2013, 12:03 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by pokkeherrie
Makes me wonder what sort of wrongdoings I, as a Dutchman, am suspected of by the NSA.

From what I've been reading, the NSA/PRISM is geared to assigning a threat matrix value to EVERYONE.
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Old 06.10.2013, 12:13 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by tesla69
From what I've been reading, the NSA/PRISM is geared to assigning a threat matrix value to EVERYONE.
Wait, did you honestly think anybody wasn't on the list?
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Old 06.10.2013, 12:28 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by pokkeherrie
Makes me wonder what sort of wrongdoings I, as a Dutchman, am suspected of by the NSA.

Being Dutch probably.

Down with this sort of thing.
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Old 07.03.2013, 01:33 PM   #36
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NY Times reporting today ALL U.S. mail sender/addressee gets scanned and recorded.

Morales forced to land in Austria, home of legacy nazi's, tells me the global nazi ring has becomie active.

Who is running the bug in the Ecuadorian embassy?

Funny how the crimes described by Snowden just aren't being discussed, all that matters in the MSM and Congress is where is he and how soon can we torture him?
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Old 07.03.2013, 01:40 PM   #37
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Fuck all them assholes.

Every "real" news site is devoting more story and space to what kind of satan baby is gonna come out of Pippa Middleton's cooch-hole than what is happeing in Egypt.

mass rapes, women assaulted in the streets, all because them fucking idiots want "freedom" but they also want to maintain the patriarchal subjugation of women.
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Old 07.03.2013, 01:41 PM   #38
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women make up over 52% of the population. they need to fucking take over again, and slap the tiny-dicked leaders of men down with a quickness.
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Old 07.03.2013, 02:29 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by tesla69
NY Times reporting today ALL U.S. mail sender/addressee gets scanned and recorded.

Well that's good, because nobody uses the mail anymore but Netflix and Amazon.com
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Old 07.03.2013, 02:32 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
women make up over 52% of the population. they need to fucking take over again, and slap the tiny-dicked leaders of men down with a quickness.

Who said they weren't already?

The bodyguard who had written about women and the truth - it was Zerubbabel - spoke last. 14 "Gentlemen," he began, "the emperor is certainly powerful, men are numerous, and wine is strong, but who rules and controls them all? It is women! 15 Women gave birth to the emperor and all the men who rule over land and sea. 16 Women brought them into the world. Women brought up the men who planted the vineyards from which wine comes. 17 Women make the clothes that men wear; women bring honor to men; in fact, without women, men couldn't live. 18 "Men may accumulate silver or gold or other beautiful things, but if they see a woman with a pretty face or a good figure, 19 they will leave it all to gape and stare, and they will desire her more than their wealth. 20 A man will leave his own father, who brought him up, and leave his own country to get married. 21 He will forget his father, his mother, and his country to spend the rest of his life with his wife. 22 So you must recognize that women are your masters. Don't you work and sweat and then take all that you have earned and give it to your wives? 23 A man will take his sword and go out to attack, rob and steal, and sail the seas and rivers. 24 He may have to face lions or travel in the dark, but when he has robbed, stolen, and plundered, he will bring the loot home to the woman he loves. 25 "A man loves his wife more than his parents. 26 Some men are driven out of their minds on account of a woman, and others become slaves for the sake of a woman. 27 Others have been put to death, have ruined their lives, or have committed crimes because of a woman. 28 So now do you believe me? "The emperor's power is certainly great - no nation has the courage to attack him. 29 But once I saw him with Apame, his concubine, the daughter of the famous Bartacus. While sitting at the emperor's right, 30 she took his crown off his head, put it on her own, and then slapped his face with her left hand. 31 All the emperor did was look at her with his mouth open. Whenever she smiles at him, he smiles back; and when she gets angry with him, he flatters her and teases her until she is in a good mood again. 32 Gentlemen, if women can do all that, surely there can be nothing stronger in the world."
1 Esdras Chapter 4
Today Rap music is the Lakers
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