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Old 08.23.2007, 03:54 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by racehorse
did you watch it?
what do you think of it?

I loved it for many reasons. It didn't make any sense whatsoever, and that's why I was able to connect with it, if only for one night. It might have been the case of my brain feeling cosmically enhanced without the help of any chemicals, but the chaos that reigns throughout the movie could have only come from Lynch himself. I can see where people who slagged it off are coming from, but it makes perfect sense. It does.
Old 08.23.2007, 11:26 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I loved it for many reasons. It didn't make any sense whatsoever, and that's why I was able to connect with it, if only for one night. It might have been the case of my brain feeling cosmically enhanced without the help of any chemicals, but the chaos that reigns throughout the movie could have only come from Lynch himself. I can see where people who slagged it off are coming from, but it makes perfect sense. It does.

it's not about sense/ no sense. it's just boring! i could have used the cosmical enhancement of some espressos. some great shots, laura dern's face is great, but he could have cut the length of the movie in half and make the wankerfest more watchable. just saying.
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Old 08.23.2007, 11:33 AM   #43
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Old 08.23.2007, 03:23 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
it's not about sense/ no sense. it's just boring! i could have used the cosmical enhancement of some espressos. some great shots, laura dern's face is great, but he could have cut the length of the movie in half and make the wankerfest more watchable. just saying.

you're fired.
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Old 08.23.2007, 03:33 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
you're fired.



so was this really you, just with a different toupée?

i can only fire myself, since i'm self-employed, but if you managed to stay awake during the 3 hours of inland borefest, cocaine must have had something to do with it. fess up.

either that, or you work for the maharishi.
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Old 08.23.2007, 03:46 PM   #46
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Old 08.23.2007, 03:59 PM   #47
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i didn't find inland empire boring at all! but i've never found anything lynch-related boring...

i think the biggest problem with the film was the humor. now, mulholland drive had humor.. but it was still very, very bleak... lost highway had almost no humor, but it was there.. wild at heart was fucking hilarious... lynch usually is good at incorporating humor in his work, but the "humor" in this film was just terrible. i know a lot of the "humor" had to do with the prostitutes and whatnot, and that just took me out of the film.

by the way, did anyone watched the second disc, "inland empire: more things that happened"? i should do that soon.

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Old 08.23.2007, 04:14 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
yes, i am the trump

qué feo! ojalá que sea mentira...

Originally Posted by atsonicpark
i didn't find inland empire boring at all! but i've never found anything lynch-related boring...

i fell asleep to eraserhead several times. the rest i've found fascinating. wild at heart is amazing, so is mulholland drive, blue velvet, elephant man, etc-- i only haven't seen lost highway and the straight story. i've seen all of twin peaks and everything. well fire walk with me wasn't that great but ok.

Originally Posted by atsonicpark
i think the biggest problem with the film was the humor. now, mulholland drive had humor.. but it was still very, very bleak... lost highway had almost no humor, but it was there.. wild at heart was fucking hilarious... lynch usually is good at incorporating humor in his work, but the "humor" in this film was just terrible. i know a lot of the "humor" had to do with the prostitutes and whatnot, and that just took me out of the film.

i found the dancing whores & the nina simone song to the the redeeming "busby berkeley" moments... there were good moments no doubt, no doubt, as i've said, great shots, etc-- but how many times over can you watch laura dern making this expression?




1 hour? ok. 3 hours? no.

i think lynch is free to try anything he wants to try, and maybe is on to something here, but i don't have to like it because it's by him. it's not the "lack of a plot" but the monotony & repetition and excruciating vacuity that pissed me off. not everything he shits is gold.

by the way, that scene where she is dying in the street was fucking great.
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Old 08.23.2007, 04:55 PM   #49
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fair enough.

my favorite scene, of course, is the one with the yellow light where she's walking down the path and she makes the scariest fucking face.

i wish he'd make another movie like wild at heart.. i like his kind of fragmented, "mobius strip"-influenced movies a lot (basically from lost highway to inland empire -- maybe even a bit with fire walk with me--, excluding the straight story)... but i think i prefer his films that are kind of straightforward yet still bizarre (wild at heart, blue velvet, you know). what's interesting about lynch is that he's actually an amazing, amazing director, as evidenced by the straight story and elephant man, and he could EASILY be in the top tier of directors in hollywood, but he chooses to make anti-commercial art films to satisfy his cult following... it's funny, because he always gets these big actors in his films, but have any of his films actually been commercially successful at all? (seriously, i'm too lazy to look it up; all i know is, twin peaks season 1 was VERY successful, but i don't remember any of his other films raking in the cash) i find it inspiring yet odd that lynch is continued to work within the hollywood system, casting these huge stars, and making these important films, without actually making that much money. very odd.

has anyone seen "rabbits" by the way? i saw it all on youtube, i'm sure it's taken down.. of course, some of it is used in inland empire.. has anyone seen "dumbland"? it's fucking hilarious!! also, i reccomend the shorts of david lynch.

the only lynch thing i haven't seen is "dune". not sure if i even want to bother..

anyway, yeah, lynch is amazing, he's my favorite director (though i occassionally give that nod to cronenberg, who's a BIT more consistent), and inland was good.. i just.. hmm.. i'm curious as to what lynch's next project will be, for sure, because i don't know if he can really get more abstract or self-indulgent than inland empire while still working in the framework of a "hollywood" film ("hollywood" only because he uses famous actors like william h macy and dern and so on and so forth). also, anyone else noticing that every lynch film is longer than the film before it? though the original cut of fire walk with me was apparently 5 hours, heh.

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