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Old 03.24.2011, 03:51 PM   #61
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once voted President (King), I vow to cancel National Day of Prayer.

vote slowly: vote often.
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Old 03.24.2011, 04:38 PM   #62
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bytor - why do you distort things to the point of slander?

bush II is the only president to have held an ecumenical service for national day of prayer every year during his 8 years in office.

his father bush I had only one. reagan had 1 in 8 years in office. clinton had zero. so what is the big deal if obama in his first 2 years hasn't had one?

the service is neither an official ceremony prescribed by law nor a longstanding presidential tradition.

someone is making mountains out of molehills and making them look "spooky". it's a pity that good people like you are falling for such disinformation.
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Old 03.24.2011, 05:08 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
I think it's pretty simple Rob. Americans were giving Obama grief because the Gulf tragedy was washing up on the American shoreline......reeking havoc on the Gulf Coast economy. By the way, most of the Americans causing the grief were democrats. "Political Stupidity" was the catch phrase used by most democrats and it was usually confirmed each time Obama attempted on speak on the subject.

Stand back and look at all of them together as a circuit. They all blather fucked up shit beaciuse it suits their ends, to keep those in power tightening their power. "Political stupidity" is exactly what is needed in times like katrina or the spill. Politics solves nothing. Only action does. By being "politically smart" george w bush did nothing in katrina NoLa UNTIL he made sure the right people were gonna get paid for "doing the job" of helping. That is political savvy! Sure it took an extra week to get basic drinking water into shelters. But w bush's buddy that owns the water cmpany is getting the contract and giving the bill for shipping and transport to the us people
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Old 03.25.2011, 09:32 AM   #64
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I'm waiting to find out what Chomsky has to say about it.
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Old 03.25.2011, 09:37 AM   #65
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in the interview for her carte verde, mai waifu had to promise that she wasn't a communist.

being from Kenya, I assume Obomber had to do the same.

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Old 03.25.2011, 09:39 AM   #66
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Must hurt you southern boys something rotten that an uppity neeegrow is your boss now.
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Old 03.25.2011, 09:50 AM   #67
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better one'a them boys then a stankin' messkin', aye always say.

ewwww wee them are trrrble and cain't speck none to well neither wit them pelican pelican pelican bulllshit.
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Old 03.25.2011, 09:59 AM   #68
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Let's give Bytor big points for the back-and-forth, and his willingness to say
"you've got a point there" on occasion in addition to trying to back up his own points as best he can. I think this is about as civilized a discussion as it can get when opinions are so strong. I think his approach is respectful and is more in the nature of an actual "discussion," which is more than I can say for Lethrneck's bulldozer-with-earplugs-in style.
We might not agree on everything, but Bytor is a good guy.
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Old 03.25.2011, 10:08 AM   #69
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Im sorry, I assumed Pookie was talking to me.

I'd take 1 Bytor for about 10 of most other posters here.

just as they accuse the fucking conservatives, Obomber's bulldogs run the risk of limiting discourse with their "ours is the only way/you must be stupid" ideology.

fuck politicians and fuck anyone who thinks there's one out there that represents or actually cares for anything other than their own putrid agenda.

no more kings.
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Old 03.25.2011, 10:31 AM   #70
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fucking hell I sound dangerously on-topic and serious there for a moment.

please disregard.

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Old 03.25.2011, 01:37 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
At no time was I attempting to slander.

I believe those weren't your intentions brother, but the result was the same.

I believe you're getting your information from people who are purposefully distorting facts in order to slander the President.

I'm not claiming Obama is perfect, he's human and bound to fuck up like we all do, but it's another thing to dig little random bits of information out of context and draw outlandish unsupported conclusions to paint him as "anti-American".

And again I'm not saying these are your conclusions-- I believe you've heard that somewhere, and believed it, and that those people are using you for their ends, which are the destruction of the middle class and the Brazilification of America: the rich in their fortresses, the poor in their hungry slums, and very few people in between.

Fox News does not have your class interests in mind. Their function is to mislead working people and protect the mega-rich.
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Old 03.26.2011, 07:33 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
I never once said America got it right. It would be nice if America could just take care of America and leave the rest of the world to their own devices. The arrogance and assumptions of your reply reveal your failure to understand that central global issues would still be there if America wasn't involved.

Is it possible you've been living abroad too long? Americans are not that concerned about needing a Christian President, they just don't want a President who is willing to allow fundamental changes to our country. America elected President Obama. But the Obama you find "genius" with is not the one America elected. If he would have run on that type of platform, he never would have stood a chance.

Tell me how most of the central global issues would be there without the IMF, WTO, Structural Adjustment Programs, "stipulations", or the washington consensus. The US is highly influential in everything I have mentioned above.

I've been living abroad for less than a year. What are these "fundamental" (nice use of Sarah Palin rhetoric by the way) changes that Obama has enacted? What does he want to enact that would "fundamentally change America"?
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Old 04.01.2011, 10:12 AM   #73
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I think to get back to the orginal taunting by leatherneck is that as bad as Obama is, the republicans look like a bunch of clowns these days, they keep making him look legitimate.

In his speech on the state House floor, Randolph even suggested that his wife could "incorporate her uterus" if it would stop the GOP from passing more restrictive abortion laws. Republican leadership scolded the Democratic congressman, telling him that talk about body parts was unwelcome.
"The point was that Republicans are always talking about deregulation and big government," Randolph told The St. Petersburg Times Thursday. "And I always say their philosophy is small government for the big guy and big government for the little guy. And so, if my wife's uterus was incorporated or my friend's bedroom was incorporated, maybe they (Republicans) would be talking about deregulating."
He said Republicans told him they were concerned about young pages hearing the word.

Or in Maine, where the teaparty gov removed a mural about labor because it was too biased to workers.

Its like, the republicans have to keep proving they HATE AMERICANS - and it is great to see some intelligent discussions
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Old 04.01.2011, 02:22 PM   #74
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There's a war monger in my stomach that I'm abuot to expel. brb.
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