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Old 11.23.2010, 07:25 AM   #1
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a storie misunderstood
about zen boudhistic monks who where called to join the war
they where forced
and then of course
the blindness of a drag into war
was already on it's way

a drag into war
why does this happens

because people don't or didn't listen to zen boudihism
the philosofy of higher development of nature
and understanding that flow
or yust understanding the natural flow of life

why do speak about this?

to see and learn of war
how people a draged into a war
even if they don't want to or couldn't make up their mind of what is going on

for natural life
your death is meaningless

where here to live and develop humankind
in the best way we can

even if you're alone standing for this
you are still functioning good
1 of 7 billion people
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Old 11.23.2010, 11:26 AM   #2
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like the monks, I am trying the best I can.

I know that it's good enough but sometimes it's hard.

especially when war is on.

my cats do not understand peace, so why should man?

the bad people on this planet outweigh the insects but not their minds, or kindness.

my wife knows.

she loves me and I'm thankful.
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Old 11.23.2010, 11:46 AM   #3
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is a
poem about

Poor them.
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Old 11.23.2010, 01:02 PM   #4
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That would be a really cool band or album name...
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Old 11.23.2010, 01:15 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by pbradders
Poor them.

yr scarcasm
is not lost

on the universe
or monks forced to war

balancing retribution is at hand

duck n cover

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Old 11.23.2010, 04:20 PM   #6
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bad poetry aside, legend has it that it was bodhidharma who invented kung-fu and founded the shaolin monks, who were, well-- warriors.
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Old 11.23.2010, 07:07 PM   #7
the destroyed room
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Originally Posted by gast30
a storie misunderstood
about zen boudhistic monks who where called to join the war
they where forced
and then of course
the blindness of a drag into war
was already on it's way

a drag into war
why does this happens

because people don't or didn't listen to zen boudihism
the philosofy of higher development of nature
and understanding that flow
or yust understanding the natural flow of life

why do speak about this?

to see and learn of war
how people a draged into a war
even if they don't want to or couldn't make up their mind of what is going on

for natural life
your death is meaningless

where here to live and develop humankind
in the best way we can

even if you're alone standing for this
you are still functioning good
1 of 7 billion people

you fucking moron

zen monks have been extremely militaristic throughout history

for you see
they have on numerous occasions, not only approved with the states call for war
but SANCTIONED violence

they have been known to use their very buddhism to provide the religious justification to go to war

for example
to massively simplify their teachings

they teach about how the self or I is part of the web of maya which is
the source of all delusion in the world
and they have said to their peoples in the past something we can paraphrase as
"when you are on the battlefield and plunge your sword into the enemy, don't worry, you are not really killing, detach yourself (in the same way as you would meditate) and realise that you are just a passive observer of a reality which is only an illusion, so observe your blade cutting through the enemies stomach in what is essentially a state of learned disassociation that absolves you of any responsibility for your actions."

so you see, if the people had just listened to their religious leaders
they would have still gone to fucking war
in fact
the buddhist religion exists, (as all religions do) in and amongst a world that is in a perpetual state of conflict, and there is no way you can withdraw from this into a space that erases the potential for war.

and this religion, like most religions if not all of them, is involved in the perptetuation of war and conflict.

this seems to be your longing/delusion. hopefully i have shattered it in such a way that is both logically sound, useful to your thinking and existentially anguishing.

i would have said it nicer without the fucking moron if you learnt to spell and started to think before you spewed this stream of conciousness bullshit onto the board. because maybe then you could reach some new conclusions and get further in your thinking instead of wallowing in this feelgood hippie madness that seems determined to avoid any kind of thought.
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Old 11.23.2010, 08:00 PM   #8
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warriors of peace? dig it.

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Old 11.24.2010, 07:15 AM   #9
invito al cielo
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gast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by kinn
you fucking moron

zen monks have been extremely militaristic throughout history

for you see
they have on numerous occasions, not only approved with the states call for war
but SANCTIONED violence

they have been known to use their very buddhism to provide the religious justification to go to war

for example
to massively simplify their teachings

they teach about how the self or I is part of the web of maya which is
the source of all delusion in the world
and they have said to their peoples in the past something we can paraphrase as
"when you are on the battlefield and plunge your sword into the enemy, don't worry, you are not really killing, detach yourself (in the same way as you would meditate) and realise that you are just a passive observer of a reality which is only an illusion, so observe your blade cutting through the enemies stomach in what is essentially a state of learned disassociation that absolves you of any responsibility for your actions."

so you see, if the people had just listened to their religious leaders
they would have still gone to fucking war
in fact
the buddhist religion exists, (as all religions do) in and amongst a world that is in a perpetual state of conflict, and there is no way you can withdraw from this into a space that erases the potential for war.

and this religion, like most religions if not all of them, is involved in the perptetuation of war and conflict.

this seems to be your longing/delusion. hopefully i have shattered it in such a way that is both logically sound, useful to your thinking and existentially anguishing.

i would have said it nicer without the fucking moron if you learnt to spell and started to think before you spewed this stream of conciousness bullshit onto the board. because maybe then you could reach some new conclusions and get further in your thinking instead of wallowing in this feelgood hippie madness that seems determined to avoid any kind of thought.

^this is yust your ego talking

what im talking here
is something that is in the peacefull stream of life
maybe you had no time in your life to understand it

a peacefull stream you talk and explain and people understand
you through your ego in as a way of showing 'i'm here and i gonna put you in your place you hippy'

outside of the brain there is only an animal shell
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Old 11.24.2010, 07:31 AM   #10
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Old 11.25.2010, 03:58 PM   #11
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you cannot just say that because i demonstrate facts that contradict your argument it is "my ego talking".

you are a retard.

and everything you said

can also be said to be "just your ego talking."

my ego said that.

true story.


by posting a the-hom yoyrke video

you again prove

your own level

of retardation.

your own ego

is trying to convince you

you are egoless

and that the reason for war

is that people didnt listen to buddhist monks

and that we could all get along and avoid conflict somehow

if we only found some sort of inner truth

you will burn in the hell of depression and confusion

that awaits anyone stupid enough to believe in this ideal

so i egolessly

call you a retard

to try and prompt some sort of escape, to try and offer you a way out of this stupidity

if i didnt respect you whatsoever

i wouldnt call you a retard

i would be nice to you

its my service to humanity

its because i am so egoless

buddhist monks taught me this

then i murdered them all

thats what enlightenment is
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Old 11.26.2010, 07:25 AM   #12
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gast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's asses
i let peoples ego talk
because it are yust words
and word today
are a primitive communication tool from homo sapiens

you're ego can remeber that right?
i say it again
words are yust primitive communication tool from homo sapien

wich is everyone with those DNA

what is not primitive is the skies of 2000
a masterwork of extended intelligence from the pioneers
layering the surface of the atmosphere with satellites

that is the time we now live in

with musculated words you don't impress anyone
adapting to the modern flow of time
shows more a modern human
these you can't see from looking at a persons outside

yust remember
words = primitive communication tool made by homo sapien
you want to imagine your something else
that is your freedom
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Old 11.26.2010, 09:55 AM   #13
ann ashtray
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I Have A Dream (that one day men will use words as a primitive tool of communication).

Team Thurston!
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