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Old 05.14.2006, 04:43 PM   #41
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now, i'm waiting to take a exam to finally graduate from uni...
i'm also lookin for a job right now...

after that i think my next step would be leave home...
The guitar guy played real good feedback and super sounding riffs...
Pabst blitzer!
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Old 05.14.2006, 04:54 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
I have no idea what I am going to do when I get out of highschool. I'm a freshman and I have great grades (4.4 GPA, ranked 1 in freshman class)...but that doesn't really mean much to me. Where do I want to go? I don't really know. I love movies, music ,and art, but when I think about a career in any of those, I am afraid that there isn't anything for me. Maybe it is just an anxiety about the future, but whatever...I am also afraid that I maybe I won't make it in that industry. I want to be a screen writer. I got to go to film school. What do I need to do in highschool to get there? Maybe it'd be a waste to go after something I might not be able to do well in. It is a big risk. A waste of education? Money? Maybe I should do something safe. Go to medical school and become a pharmacist. But maybe I won't be happy there. The whole aspect of becoming a working adult, scares me.

Any help for me, for those of you that are adults?

What are your nightmares about becoming an adult, for those of you that are young like me?
Future is an a anxiety that normally comes from other people more than it actually comes from yourself.Find out out what makes you anxious and then you will find a more satisfying answer

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Old 05.14.2006, 05:01 PM   #43
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<---computer job.
I will come again, Jesus

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Old 05.14.2006, 05:18 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
I have no idea what I am going to do when I get out of highschool. I'm a freshman and I have great grades (4.4 GPA, ranked 1 in freshman class)...but that doesn't really mean much to me. Where do I want to go? I don't really know. I love movies, music ,and art, but when I think about a career in any of those, I am afraid that there isn't anything for me. Maybe it is just an anxiety about the future, but whatever...I am also afraid that I maybe I won't make it in that industry. I want to be a screen writer. I got to go to film school. What do I need to do in highschool to get there? Maybe it'd be a waste to go after something I might not be able to do well in. It is a big risk. A waste of education? Money? Maybe I should do something safe. Go to medical school and become a pharmacist. But maybe I won't be happy there. The whole aspect of becoming a working adult, scares me.

Any help for me, for those of you that are adults?

What are your nightmares about becoming an adult, for those of you that are young like me?

My advice would be to not worry so much about what to do for money. Your job doesn't necessarily have to define who you are. I used to think that I'd be a complete failure if I didn't manage to make a career out of something art-related. Now I realize that having a job that depends on me doing art would kind of ruin it for me. Jobs will come and go. You'll always have your hobbies. If you focus on anything, let it be making time to do things that keep you content. Don't let work rule your life, or you'll just be miserable. If you turn all of your hobbies into profit, you might become bored with them quickly.
"I sweat like a fucking nun on Sunday...I don't even know what that means."
- Sebastian Bach

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Old 05.16.2006, 12:55 AM   #45
the end of the ugly
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I know how you feel. I'm a senior in high school and it just hit me a while ago. I'm graduating in about a month. I get pretty good grades (I have a 3.25 GPA) but I have no idea of what I want to do. I applied to a 5 CA state universities and got accepted to all of them but I have no idea what I want to do. I don't even know why I'm going to college. I signed up as a History major just for the hell of it. I just want to get college over with and get some sort of degree. Then I want to travel for about a year. I can't wait. By the way, what can I do with a history major? Besides teach.
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Old 05.16.2006, 01:09 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by SonikJesus
By the way, what can I do with a history major? Besides teach.

well, my dad got a history degree from Yale. then he went to law school for a while and hated it. so he became a journalist. he's thought about trying to write a book on history of some sort.
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Old 05.16.2006, 01:31 AM   #47
the end of the ugly
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Cool, thanks. I was actually thinking of being a writer with a history degree. But I'm still unsure.
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Old 05.16.2006, 02:25 AM   #48
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Don't worry about what you wanna be at this age. I did not know what I wanted to be in high school. Soon I dropped out and roamed my valley for two years without a job. So I know where you coming from being scared shitless. I felt utterly useless. But needless to say I got my act right and got my high school diploma. And soon started college. I don't know what I want to be now. It is only between an English teacher or being a photographer, and maybe a biologist. So My advice is no need to worry right now. At least until you reach the 12 grade.
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Old 05.16.2006, 02:25 AM   #49
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Just get drunk and dance!!!
Confusion is next and next after that is the Truth.
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Old 05.16.2006, 02:47 AM   #50
A Thousand Threads
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Originally Posted by krastian
Just get drunk and dance!!!
and fuck
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Old 05.16.2006, 04:52 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
I have no idea what I am going to do when I get out of highschool. I'm a freshman and I have great grades (4.4 GPA, ranked 1 in freshman class)...but that doesn't really mean much to me. Where do I want to go? I don't really know. I love movies, music ,and art, but when I think about a career in any of those, I am afraid that there isn't anything for me. Maybe it is just an anxiety about the future, but whatever...I am also afraid that I maybe I won't make it in that industry. I want to be a screen writer. I got to go to film school. What do I need to do in highschool to get there? Maybe it'd be a waste to go after something I might not be able to do well in. It is a big risk. A waste of education? Money? Maybe I should do something safe. Go to medical school and become a pharmacist. But maybe I won't be happy there. The whole aspect of becoming a working adult, scares me.

Any help for me, for those of you that are adults?

What are your nightmares about becoming an adult, for those of you that are young like me?

maybe you just aren't aware of the thousands of possiblities available career wise in the areas of interest you hold. i went to university studied film worked in film swinging booms then migrated to live sound. now starting entering a career as a sound designer and composer in theatre. there are hundreds of different careers in the entertainment industry most of them you may not even be aware of. and you are young, decide now to do what will please you and make you happy in your life because there is nothing worse than working jobs you hate. i worked in factories for a time, then cd shops, then studied, then taught music, then did film, and then finally live sound and sound design, there is a shitload to do just look and ask questions of people.
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Old 05.16.2006, 03:16 PM   #52
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i don't know about anyone else, but it's been almost 7 years since I was a freshman in high school, and my plans have changed more times than I can count. It's more important to get involved with shit at school or near it because then you meet cool people who might inadvertently turn you on to what you want to do. Join film club...or hell start it if you don't have one. My current passion/job came out of ditching some classes soph year of high school to get a cup of coffee.
There's no money in poetry, but then there's no poetry in money either. --RG
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Old 05.16.2006, 04:18 PM   #53
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RXTT's Intellectual Journey - my new blog where I talk about all the books I read.
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Old 05.16.2006, 04:22 PM   #54
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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Rob Instigator again.
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Old 05.16.2006, 07:27 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
that is one fierce camel toe
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Old 05.16.2006, 07:40 PM   #56
Daycare Nation
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I think people should get over the notion that we have to "do" something in order to define ourselves. My advice is to experience things to the best of your ability. When you grow closer to knowing who you are, you'll look around at all the so-called successful people and realize how scared they are and how little they know about reality and themselves.

In the end, we just fuck, sleep, eat, celebrate life, get sick, lose our friends, waste away, die and get eaten by worms.


That dragon ain't the love sweet love.
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