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Old 10.04.2008, 11:03 PM   #21
jon boy
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Originally Posted by pantophobia
i am hoping i can get at least a year and a half left out of my laptop in time to see if win7 turns out to be better then xp (cause it WILL be better then vista)

if not then i'd have to weigh options of other OS, maybe someday some one else will jump in like Google (they have OS for PDAs and such) or maybe Linux

it's a hard call as of right now what to chose, would you consider going to Apple jonboy? or are you thinking it has to be a microsoft OS?

well to be honest i am not sure i was thinking of a mac but there are things that you cant do on them that you can on a pc am i right? plus i am getting a special deal on the pc so it seems like a better option as of now.
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Old 10.05.2008, 12:13 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
my mac w/ the lates OSX (some kinda wildcat) still requires frequent updates and i get the "color wheel of death" every now & then. plus the programs take forever to start. even the fucking chess crashes 10% of the time-- it becomes frozen and won't let me win. it's all hype, i say.

Aha. We now know the secret of your Mac hatred. You bought a crap machine. Fair enough, but I don't think it's the OS, I think you have some fried chips in your laptop.

I've never run Vista and I work for the WA State government. That's right, even they haven't invested in the headaches of such a conversion. XP is fine for what it does. Microsoft just made Vista to have something new to sell.
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Old 10.05.2008, 12:29 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by jon boy
well to be honest i am not sure i was thinking of a mac but there are things that you cant do on them that you can on a pc am i right? plus i am getting a special deal on the pc so it seems like a better option as of now.

The things you can't do: 1) Run Internet Explorer since Microsoft stopped making it for Macs. This hardly matters since Firefox is a superior browser (I don't like Safari myself, but lots of people do, haven't tried Chrome which doesn't have a Mac version yet, but will) 2) Play a lot of PC only games (I've know a total Mac Geek to get a Windows laptop purely to play games on). However, if you get a Mac with boot camp, you can of course run both. I'm not a PC gamer and have never cared.

Things you can do on a Mac you can't on a PC: the only significant one I know is run Garage Band which is a great little lo-end recording program. I like Audacity too, which is available on both, but it's way buggier. You can't run the other iLife stuff on a PC either, but it's not particularly special. iMovie is o.k. for really short videos, I suppose.

Performance wise, I still believe Macs are better for audio, video, and photography/graphics, as recently proven by the fact that the Microsoft "I am a PC" commercials were outed as being made on a Mac. Also, Macs are still way more secure. I've never known a Mac user to get a virus or spyware, and I've known several PC users who did (as well as several who's security software made their computer run slow!)

That said, the differences get smaller every day, and if you get a good enough deal on your PC, why wouldn't you go for it. Unless it's a Dell, and then run away as fast as you can...
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Old 10.05.2008, 03:31 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
My Mac Pro:
-2 x 2.66 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
-26 GB Ram
-Two 1 Terrabyte Glyph GT062 Storage Devices
does such a thing actually EXIST?
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Old 10.05.2008, 04:43 AM   #25
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It's in my music studio
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Old 10.05.2008, 09:22 AM   #26
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I'd vote for linux personally, but I also wouldn't be there to help you get used to it, and it is a different world
Shake shake
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Old 10.05.2008, 09:32 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue

It's in my music studio
i saw pictures or yr music place. It looks fookin' wicked. Do you just record yr own stuff or produce other people / bands?
Greed Recordings bandcamp
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Old 10.05.2008, 11:16 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by tw2113
I'd vote for linux personally, but I also wouldn't be there to help you get used to it, and it is a different world

I just tried setting up a MythTV box but there was apparently a bug in the distro which only required some recoding and recompiling to fix. Yeah, I'm going to be able to figure it out. (bug was for my particular hardware--not the whole program)

The guy supporting the distro didn't seem to have time or inclination to help a newbie.

I'm back to windows.
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Old 10.05.2008, 11:17 AM   #29
al shabbray
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Originally Posted by greedrex
does such a thing actually EXIST?

there are also
with the following techs
Old 10.05.2008, 11:25 AM   #30
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I'm using Vista for a year now (at core duo and 1gb ram), and it's good, nice lookin'.
I'm rather not playing games, so ram-eating don't bothers me.

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Old 10.05.2008, 11:25 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Dead-Air
Aha. We now know the secret of your Mac hatred. You bought a crap machine. Fair enough, but I don't think it's the OS, I think you have some fried chips in your laptop.

i don't hate macs per se-- i hate the HYPE that covers up the fact that macs are very far from perfect. mac acolytes would have you believe that mac is their savior from outer space, and it isn't. this probably has to do with a) good marketing, b) the psychology of having spent a ton of money in a product "marries" you to it.

so i think the secret of my mac realism is that i didn't pay a cent for it-- therefore i am not blinded by my financial "commitment". i am able to look at it past the hype. it doesn't hurt my self-image to say "oh, this here sucks".

and macs do have problems. tons of them.

if all those problems were attributable to bad chips, then bad chips would be quite the plague. but no-- it's simpler than that-- it's just that steve jobs is not baby jesus, and can't do magic.
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Old 10.05.2008, 11:51 AM   #32
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again with more detail, mac tax

Today all OSs including linux really all do the same thing--heck Mac is unix for crying out loud

Its a matter of personal preference over GUI and if you prefer the Mac you get to pay the

mac tax
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Old 10.05.2008, 01:55 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by jon boy
ok so i am getting a new laptop and as with most nowadays its coming with vista which i am not familiar with and i know takes up a lot of space just to run the thing. so is it possible to get rid and have xp instead?

is it possible to buy it with xp installed or without a windows installation?
that depends on the oem.
Originally Posted by jon boy
would you recommend this?
maybe, depending on the machine.

what laptop are you getting?
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Old 10.05.2008, 04:50 PM   #34
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it uses about 600 MB RAM, my laptop came with 1 GB and things run slower than I think they should, so i'll add some more RAM soon, but VISTA and 2007 apps suck from this users viewpoint they just move all the commands into different places for no obvious reason other than to move commands into other places and say its new. as someone who uses office 2003/XP all day at work and then has to deal with the slow confused mess of office 2007/vista on my personal laptop, its really a downgrade.

vista sucks. if I'd known it was so bad I would have saved for an apple.
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Old 10.05.2008, 05:35 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by al shabbray
i think that comparison lacks a little bit of A LOT

in which regard?
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Old 10.05.2008, 05:37 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i don't hate macs per se-- i hate the HYPE that covers up the fact that macs are very far from perfect. mac acolytes would have you believe that mac is their savior from outer space, and it isn't. this probably has to do with a) good marketing, b) the psychology of having spent a ton of money in a product "marries" you to it.

so i think the secret of my mac realism is that i didn't pay a cent for it-- therefore i am not blinded by my financial "commitment". i am able to look at it past the hype. it doesn't hurt my self-image to say "oh, this here sucks".

and macs do have problems. tons of them.

if all those problems were attributable to bad chips, then bad chips would be quite the plague. but no-- it's simpler than that-- it's just that steve jobs is not baby jesus, and can't do magic.

Yes, and trust me, I am far from a Jobs worshiper. However, I still think the problems you point to from personal experience are not typical to most Macs I've seen people running. It sounds like you have a machine with some internal problems that are not attributable to the OS.

Mac laptops are prettier than the competition, but I don't personally think they are worth the difference in price. However, all Apples are not expensive, contrary to myth. The mini is a completely serviceable computer, and it's dirt cheap. Just don't buy an Apple monitor for it, and it's a very cheap date.
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Old 10.05.2008, 08:01 PM   #37
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Mr Boy - you're not a spacker - you can run Vista very similarly to XP as it is. Get a Vista PC, fiddle about, and you've got the PC you want. Send I & I a PM if you're after more details.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 10.06.2008, 09:48 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Glice
Send I & I a PM if

This board just gets a little more Rasta friendly every day I am here.
Today Rap music is the Lakers
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Old 10.07.2008, 12:44 PM   #39
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I don't like the look or the workings of Vista. XP is fine; I have no intention of changing.

Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

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