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Old 01.18.2008, 04:57 PM   #1
Rob Instigator
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OK. let us say the USA is in or heading down into a recession. We have been borrowing money from international bankers and the federal reserves at a rate of billions a month to fund a "war".
The housing market has experienced a bubble burst with the high risk (HIGH RISK being the key phrase here) varible interest rates of the past few years.

in order to head off the recession (so they say) the talking heads and politicos want to do this
they want to borrow another 150 BILLION dollars from the federal reserve bank, and then give every american citizen and certain (chosen by them no doubt) investment funds a certain amount of this borrowed money, with the idea that the people and the funds will then go right out and spend it, thereby "manufacturing" a false bump in the economy.

How is this flim flam supposed to fucking work??? what the fuck??????

these fuckers have sold out the USA to international bankers and are seeking to drive our country even deeper into the pit of debt.

Is this not just a fucking CON-game? a flim flam? Any supposed benefit the economy would get from this would be purely cosmetic and purely in the short term, benefitting the staus quo administration in their political ends this upcoming election. they can say they "did something"

I find it to be completely and utterly bwithout any merit, yet they are going to do it again.

they tried this in 1992 and what happened wa sthat 30-40% of the recepients decided to save that money and not spend i9t, which did nothing for the economy.

I think these fuckers , when they say "the economy" they mean stroctly the top dogs still making money. they do not mean the actual infrastructure of the us economy. it makes me so mad
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Old 01.18.2008, 05:00 PM   #2
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*drool hits desk*
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Old 01.18.2008, 05:07 PM   #3
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this was done in japan 6 years ago, not sure about the amount though, and it worked.
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Old 01.18.2008, 05:08 PM   #4
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where did Japan get the money?
How does borrowing 150 billion, and then spending it right away HELP the economy?
doesn't it just keep the current overinflated stock prices up?
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Old 01.18.2008, 05:13 PM   #5
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you know how your economy gets really fucked?
if there's no consumption.

i will elaborate later, i dont have time now.
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Old 01.18.2008, 05:17 PM   #6
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when the us economy is in recession and the population are being hit hard then the government can put through sweeping friedman style economic changes in the name of helping everyone.
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Old 01.18.2008, 05:19 PM   #7
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Hey, if they want to give me some of that, bring it. I won't spend it the way they want, I'll actually USE it to GET OUT OF DEBT. God, that would be great.
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Old 01.18.2008, 05:20 PM   #8
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I know al that. as it stands 95% of what americans earn they spend. it is mass consumption, and nothing is saved. we are already at that level.

the problem with our economy is that we no longer manufacture jack shit! what use is consumption if it entails sending all our money to companies from countries other than the USA?
that is bleeding the american coffers dry and this fucking little fake ass "boost" will do nothing but put off the inevitable.

and this is duuring a WAR economy!!! the economy flourishes in times of war!
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Old 01.18.2008, 05:24 PM   #9
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SHHHH! Don't screw this up for us, we might be getting some money we don't even deserve! How often does THAT happen?!?
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Old 01.18.2008, 05:26 PM   #10
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but, if the plan works, and we all go and spend the $300-$500 that we would get (which we will be taxed for) then the same corporate greedheads who control 80% of the wealth in america will get the money they nor us deserve.
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Old 01.19.2008, 12:56 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

Is this not just a fucking CON-game? a flim flam? Any supposed benefit the economy would get from this would be purely cosmetic and purely in the short term, benefitting the staus quo administration in their political ends this upcoming election. they can say they "did something"

pouring a significant amount of $$ cash into the market can lead out of a recession IF and only IF the new $$ actually enter a production cycle (production+consumption+new valorisation). rifles or cars or mobile phones or whatever, it doesn't matter.

other than that, methinks all economy, productive or not ,is just a variant of that pyramid-sheme con thingy, and not the other way around. the catch is that the bosses can't continuously make more $$ out of thin air;

we'll see. a real, fat crisis seems to be underway, but imho it won't be like the previous ones. and there's infinitely more safeguard measures available now than in the interwar period...
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