Originally Posted by Beautiful Plateau
ploesj, stop scaring everyone, please
Seriously though, it's quite baffling, reading your posts in this thread. So much so that I don't really know where to begin.
name one of his ideas you find extreme, please
You're being more vague than I've ever seen him, imo.
Again, you don't say why you think an independent Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia is a bad idea. I'm guessing you must like our king.
Sure, Bart De Wever is overweight and not as sporty as Jörg Haider, but maybe that's a good thing... I also don't see why a politician's looks are important. (unless we're talking about Filip De Winter, of course  )
Not trying to defend Vlaams Belang here, but they were never in power, never part of the government, because of the cordon sanitaire.
You must be joking.
In his victory speech, De Wever reached out to both Wallonia and competing Flemish parties: "We have to realise ourselves that we have to build bridges, with Flemish and French-speaking Belgians alike."
Even though he is a proponent of an independent Flanders, I think De Wever means well with all people living in Belgium (including our king).
(I voted Groen! (Flemish green party) btw)
wanting to make flanders a separate country is a pretty extreme thought in my head.
i'm vague because i'm not a politician and i don't intend to be one. these men are supposed to be really clear in what they are up to and what they want.
i've never felt the need to split our country in half. i've never felt 'flemish' or thought of myself as 'from flanders': i'm belgian.
oh and that thing about what he looks like? that was for space; if you read what i posted underneath his photo, you can see i was referring to his fear of losing the waffles
when i hear the people around me who voted for him, it's mainly because he seemed funny, smart and sympathetic in that tv-show, or because they think he'll do something about the immigrants and see him as something to vote for instead of vlaams belang (which they wouldn't do because they're not as mainstream and it's not as acceptable to vote for them...)
my youngest brother can't vote yet, but he's already screaming about 'how the streets are so unsafe because of all the immigrants'. we live in the center of the city, it's mainly tourists and restaurants and shops, and he never really goes anywhere else. it bothers him that he goes to school and there are a lot of foreign students there, but he forgets that they all speak dutch quite perfectly and are not that different from the rest of the students. i spend quite some time in the 'bad neighbourhoods' like borgerhout, and i rarely feel unsafe or threatened. to be honest, the only times i've really been bothered in the city was when drunk flemish students started to shout some nasty stuff.
i'm not going to say there are no problems with immigration in belgium, like we saw in brussels, but this has so many causes, and it's not just their fault.
oh, and i don't mind our king. he's part of the tradition of our country, and i think he might actually help to bring flanders and wallonia closer together. i might be naive, meh.
yesterday i was talking about all this to my boyfriend and older brother, and came to the conclusion that i don't trust bart de wever because everything he says sounds very well thought out. and i mean EVERYTHING. he never says anthing spontaneously in public, and thus never shows his true colors. call it intuition, but i don't trust him.
and i voted groen! too.