Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I was in a blues band where apparently everybody hated me. two faced bastards we played good music for like a year before they finally gave me the boot. no hard feelings though, but I surely didn't get it. bands are like girlfriends, you have to play the game right. further, you have to be careful not to let your old lady know about your potential flings and mistresses... it tends to hurt feelings (helped to instigate my removal)
I thought this thread sounded familiar, I was bout to post this same thread
Originally Posted by Glice
I was in a shit folk band who actually got shitter after I left. I was kicked out for drinking too much and being awesome.
Originally Posted by EVOLghost
Psh people be hatin' when they can't hang and party as much as you.
thats essentially what happened to me, sans the drinking. My state presence had become to dominating, we were initially a diverse group where everyone got to sing two songs in a set, but as we progressed me and my friend Mau began to dominate, and my bluesman persona began to get a little to authentic for them.