Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Do you or do you not agree that a little risque, random sex every now and then could spice up an otherwise, rather monotonous life?
The female brain has a chemical that releases after orgasm similar to a chemical found in animals like ducks after they give birth. This chemical makes mama ducks look at their babies and say, "ooo you are my baby, i have to protect you!" After orgasm, this chemical releases and the woman looks at her partner and thinks, "ooo i have to be with you!"
This has a finite supply and the more orgasms a woman has with people the less they respond to this chemical bond. It loses its potency pretty quick.
This chemical isn't found in men, so they can 'spread their seed' with out guilt.
So, no. I don't agree. I want to get married and start a family some day; I don't necessarily want my husband to be my 'first' (TOO LATE!), but I do want my husband to be part of a very select group of men to bring me to orgasm. That way I can look at him afterwards and be emotionally, physically, and
chemically satisfied.