Thread: film socialisme
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Old 05.20.2010, 06:22 AM   #17
invito al cielo
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ni'k kicks all y'all's assesni'k kicks all y'all's assesni'k kicks all y'all's assesni'k kicks all y'all's assesni'k kicks all y'all's assesni'k kicks all y'all's assesni'k kicks all y'all's assesni'k kicks all y'all's assesni'k kicks all y'all's assesni'k kicks all y'all's assesni'k kicks all y'all's asses
scooter, are you still under the assumption anyone is going to give you the privilege of feeding your trolling by trying to engage with one of your attempts to troll us down with you into your own depressive spiral of oblivion? hopefully thats been clarified for you now. you just get insulted.

now that thats been said i wont say it again. if there was anyone on this board stupid enough to find what you say remotely non fucktarded then they wouldn't count. the rest of us are not impressed by any of it. we will just insult you, and every attempt you make at dragging us down into a troll battle will be ignored. its not like you are actually ripping on people. you are just being ripped on. when you try to rip on someone here, it always fails, because everyone knows you are the board troll, and so even if the insult was funny, which is impossible for you, noone would be impressed by it our respect your bullying skills. we just insult you and ignore everything else.

you speak in the language of a daily mail columnist. only you fail at it. at something which itself is one of the highest insults know to man. your trying to do a kind of smug middle english wit, but fail at the wit part. its just nasty, in an unappealing way, not in an nasty insulting kind of way. its just fucking stupid. you can't even suceed in the pathetic style of insult you're going for. its like you want to be quentin letts and pull of that kind of self assured english common sense twattery that only a fucking dead mind would find assuring, but you are failing at it. its supposed to be bitingly sharp and spiteful, and have the effect of finishing off the persons line of thought like the best one liners can, making you look smart in the process, in the way that you have turned around what someone was saying into a put down that also makes you look superior to them. but you can't even do it. yet you keep trying, like some idiot using what he thinks is a clever line against everyone that noone has told him doesn't make sense yet. you have 2 variations on it, one is the "pile on the adjectives" approach, like your "self absorbed, sanctimonious, spittle flecked" line at me, and the other is the "your clearly a loonie leftie/deranged sociopath/etc," one. it doesn't work. ever. it's not remotely intelligent. it just makes you look like a parrot who has discovered 2 lines that it thinks spouting endless variants of makes it look clever. you sound like a complete arseburger and have done since you came here. your mind is not functioning well. you desperately need to use it better, or to have some kind of personality breakdown, so you can make some peace with yourself and stop coming across like both a total cunt and a sad loser to everybody.

you don't even deserve to be told were you are going wrong. you should be banned like all trolls should be. so you can fuck off and kill yourself or make some massive personality changes.
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