You can have this one on me:
A man (let's call him Burt) comes to a town (let's call it Badtown) on assignment to anonymously distribute something (let's say tins of kuppa fish) for a struggling fish-muncher. The antihero of the novel (let's call him Shafter McGee) is a tweenage badpat and wannabe drive-by-shooter. Burt gets a lot of stick from our antihero (let's call him Bugger Mesideways...oh wait we've already given him a name) on account of being called Burt.
Burt says "You've got a right nerve with a name like McGee". Shafter says "You've got me back to rights..." etc.
A gang war ensues.
The anonymous leader of the gang Burt belongs to is finally revealed to be none other than the fish-muncher who had previously seriously over-ordered on kuppa fish and needed the name driven gang war as a cover while he foists his tins of fish (let's call them fish tins) on a confused and scared public.
The ending of the story has a real twist in the tale because it's finally revealed that it is actually Shafter that has in fact been using fish-muncher and his fish tins as a cover for his long sought after gang war (his mother was once given a right burting by some "geezer" and he has had a violent objection to the name ever since).
The police are called and the final page sees Shafter being led off by the PCSO (it's a minor offence).