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Old 05.02.2010, 11:49 AM   #818
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
I know you mentioned 'magical realism' light heartedly, but in a way that's precisely what it is. As football becomes more corporate it needs to invent some kind of distant romantic ideal and Brazil (admittedly a team with an incredible history) fits perfectly. "They all learned to play on the beach you know. That's why they're so skillful." It's ridiculous.

no, that's exactly what i meant.

Originally Posted by demonrail666
Similarly, Germany always gets cast as the pantomime villain with endless references to their "machine-like efficiency" while England is always "passionate" and "direct". It's taken commentators until quite recenrtly to realise that Italy's national team, rather than reflect its flamboyant national stereotype actually plays far more like Germany 'should' than actually ever have.

here i get either mexican or argentinian (or uruguayan?) commentators, and while the often drop stereotypical names like that, i'm happy to report that their descriptions seem to be more accurate than what you are getting.

Originally Posted by demonrail666Yeah, Argentina are a bit of a hate figure in England, but it stems more from the Falklands war than
Maradon's whole 'hand of god' thing, although that definitely compounded it. Personally though, I really like Argentina's national team. Maradona, whatever he did in 'that' match, is still the greatest player I've ever seen and would happily join any church that placed Carlos Tevez as its God.

Also, you'd need to look hard to find a more brilliant goal than this anywhere, ever: a goal that's probably done more to close the art-science debate than any academic ever has:

Never get bored watching that.

you mean LAS ISLAS MALVINAS. ha ha hm yeah-- a terribly stupid war with roots in your 1812 re-thievery attempts AND the criminal military dictators of argentina at the time who sent their own youth to the butcher to distract the populace from their own fuckups... there's a much deeper history of involvement between your country an d theirs (and when i say deeper i mean deep political fisting, ha ha), but it's one that's not told often-- involving XIX century immigrants, the cattle indusrty, railroads, espionage, world war 2, etc... the hand of god was a little symbolic revenge--sad but true.

im too hungry to write more or keep reading this thread at the moment (its almost 11am here, still in bed), but thanks for the awesome video.
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