a lot of ya'll need to lighten the fuck up.... jus' sayin'
Apple makes the best phone available to date.... it's a huge success (whether it's not cool enough for you or not). That means people love it. It has become a favorite mainly in part to the limitless apps.
yeah, the iPad is basically a bloated iPhone..... but dig deep into your imaginations and imagine that there may be a market for people who amuse themselves with their slew of apps and want to have something more realistic in size in the mean time, not to mention just to sit and browse web with a touch screen.
I think the iPad is more limited than it's worth, but aside from that, it's a step in a forward direction to what computers can and will be, especially with the touch screen stuff. Companies have designed apps to expand the iPhone / Apple designed the iPad to expand apps.... it's pretty simple if you think about it. It's just happening. In a way too, Apple has a choke hold on their stuff with the uniquely coded apps for these things, so that could be worth bitching about.... but so the fuck what, at least their shit works and isn't a fraction as bad as the malicious coding involved in everything Windows.
If the world evolved at the taste of some of the posters here.... it'd be a pretty primitive and negative place.
BTW, I'm not in the least interested in buying an iPad (at any point), but sheeesh, I'm not mad that they're making it... and furthermore, won't have violent thoughts towards anyone I see using one
