Religulous. I have enjoyed Bill maher's work in DC Cab, I am glad he has made this movie, even though of course it is "flawed" but what isn't? (jaysus~!!!)
I enjoyed it, and found it hard to watch, not because he is outright mean, but because I have many similar confrontation issues with my mom and family, for I am anti-theist in the strongest sense of the word, and their beliefs are non-sensical and destructive to me.
while not a GREAT movie, and while Maher can come off as an annoying guy, I am sad that as he mentioned, so many doubting believers will NOT watch this movie, which could help them begin to sort out their doubts about their respective faiths.
fuck all religions. They are the last false social construct that holds back humanity and will, if not actively FOUGHT AGAINST, crush humans back into dark age horror.