Originally Posted by Genteel Death
You should get a grip and stop taking everything people post on the internet so seriously. Or write some fucking poetry about how I am lame, Dave is lame, everyone is lame.
I thinbk
you should get a grip and stop taking everything people post on the internet so seriously. I mean, what the fuck was that? An utterly failed attempt to be cuntish for no reason. Fail. Completely. Even if it wasn't from a sad old drunk who once told me i had "it" and hinted that i might get the honour of writing lyrics for his year of the lips project, but is now lashing out wildly with failed insults out of some childish motive that i don't even give a fuck enough to want to know, even then it would still just be a stupid thing to say. write poetry about YOU? haha, is that even possible?
His name was Gabby,
He wanted to crush me,
with his farts,
and his anus,
oh his smelly 40 year old drunk farts.
and his important music career
and his sweaty fat ass
oh how it was of the utmost concern to me
what he said and did on a forum
was he under the impression?
that there might be at least two fifths of a fuck i might give?
oh how i wearied, of the attention from this sad old drunk
perhaps he was approaching senility
and wanted a concubine to wipe his smelly ass
as he furthered his important music career
in an alzhiemery fog.
well, it was of little consequence,
i knew that an artistic vision such as his,
could not be waylaid even if it emanated from the vessel of a drunken senile and oh so lonely 40 year old wannabe rockstar with an anal fart face crush fetish
i knew that i would only ever play second fiddle, to his aesthetic genius, his vision!
at best i might be a minor footnote in his biography,
a muse for an afternoon, a sympathetic face to fart on
but i could only ever hold this genius back
and that would be a crime against the humanities.
so i observed him from afar,
but still i could not manage to give two fifths of a fuck.
about him in any possible way.