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Old 03.06.2010, 02:05 AM   #16
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cars_willkillyou kicks all y'all's assescars_willkillyou kicks all y'all's assescars_willkillyou kicks all y'all's assescars_willkillyou kicks all y'all's assescars_willkillyou kicks all y'all's assescars_willkillyou kicks all y'all's assescars_willkillyou kicks all y'all's assescars_willkillyou kicks all y'all's assescars_willkillyou kicks all y'all's assescars_willkillyou kicks all y'all's assescars_willkillyou kicks all y'all's asses
i've had the restart button pressed a couple times. The first time was in 3rd grade. It was the 2nd day of school, and it was the 2nd of me being in a new school. I had just moved from miami to a small ass town in north florida, and a bunch of redneck offspring wanted to fight me. This one kid, Kris Hewitt, who i later learned was already socially out casted, kept fucking with me on a the monkey bars. It was about 10 ft tall, and was levels metal rods bent in the shape of a 4-leaf clover. Eventually, he made me slip. I hit my head on one of the metal bars, and I remember that, but the next thing i remember was waking up to classmates around me and seeing the teacher run across the playground.

Then there was an incident which i have absolutely no recollection of whatsoever. My entire family has shared this story with me, but i dont remember it in the slightest bit. My uncle (who is only like 6 or 7 years older than I am) had a job as a life guard at the city pool when he was in high school. I was in elementary. I was always a strong swimmer, mostly because i learned to swim in the ocean, which is why the story makes no sense. Apparently I almost drowned. According to the story, my cousin and i were jumping into the deep end, and going to the bottom to see who could stay at the bottom the longest. I won. I'm very competitive, especially with family.

The only time I have "blacked out" whilst intoxicated was during the 2008 BCS National championship game. It was at Dolphin Stadium with UF against Oklahoma. Drinks were expensive. Lines were ridiculously long. I was only tail gating, because i wouldve had to sell my car to afford a ticket. So I triple fist the pregame and the 1st half. I dont remember the 2nd half, which apparently was one of the best championship games in college football history. And it was my favorite team that won it.

Fuck you Gin/whiskey/weed/beer/mystery drinks.
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