01.22.2010, 08:54 AM
invito al cielo
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 3,721
Originally Posted by cars_willkillyou
I have come to the conclusion that America and I are not compatible. We have been exclusive for 21 (almost 22) years now. Or at least I have been exclusive.
You know how people are complaining about mexican immigrants coming into the US and "takin our jobs"?
well I want some role reversal here. I dont care about poverty. In fact, I think some third-world countries would be nice to live in. At least there, everyone is poor and accepts it.
Point I'm getting at, is I want to move to central or south america. I want to fall off the map for a few years, just get away from the wal-marts, mcdonalds, microsofts, etc.
Here is what i am looking for in a country:
Hot (really hot) summers
beautiful landscapes
Lots of farming
and access to music is of course essential.
The UK, naturally.