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Old 01.20.2010, 10:24 AM   #4
invito al cielo
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: I moved from hillbilly Florida to hillbilly Alabama
Posts: 3,723
SONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's asses
What upsets me is the fact that most homeless do not choose to be that way. Most have mental issues, or circumstaces happen in there life that they could not control. If you have nothing of course you are going to go to the downtown area to find what you need. This is one of the largest cities (landwise) in the entire world. A homeless person is going to hang out in the suberbs or rural areas, there are limited alleys and such for shelter. Maybe if they were allowed to use the public restroom they would'nt be pissing on the street.

Instead of making a mockery of them because the dowtowner's are holier than thou, they should try to do more to help them out. We will always have displaced people. We are also in the midst of a "poor flight" downtown, meaning the rich white people are now reclaiming the property they abandonded during the "white flight".Stripping the property away from those that have lived there since childhood. Our downtown has been impovershed and ignored for years. It's where the poorest of the poor took up residence in shanty houses. The new plan is to beautify it, and revive our historical buildings and neighborhoods for tourism and monetary purposes. Which is a great idea, but I don't think we need to blame homeless for the problem, and attack them during what is supposed to be a season of giving.

My husband's been skating downtown since we were 15, and as crazy as some are, the vagabonds down there are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. They are people just like everyone else and deserve to be treated as such.