why does anyone care about animals going extinct? why do people give a shit about animals, like, conserving their existance. I don't understand. Oh look a fucking mongoose isn't it so great watch it shit and stare at you and reproduce omg. What's the fucking point, you can use words like special or unique or majestic or whatever to describe them but i don't give a fuck. Fuck them and fuck nature, surely those are both things we should be moving away from, we should be glad to get rid of. right fair enough if there is some use in say usin mice in experiments or there is a rare species of bird someone wants to breed because they can make a medicine from it or some shit, i can see the point there. Otherwise why are we so concerned about the wonderous beautiful majesty of nature, i mean so what, isn't this just primitive shit we should be moving away from? The only word i can find to describe what i think nature is is a retardation on humanity at this point. I mean say you're lost out in the african bush, it's cruel inhospitable and hostile, it's dumb, you're gonna fucking die. i know suchfriends will say 'we must respect the life of every one of god's creatures', as if we owe a non existant god some sort of babysitting duty for all the fuckin dumbass platypus's he decided to make. like what are you gonna do? Try to not kill every single microbe? feel guilty for every single celled organism you kill or plant you crush? feel guilty about the whole universe? fuck that, i'm clubbin seals, yeah i'm sure it fuckin hurts them but it doesn't hurt me. Bang bang crunch. I'm gonna put a contact mic on the bat and make a noise record from it. and all this 'oh i really like this rare species of bird it's so beautiful!' yeah i can't think of anything more boring than beautiful animals, so what. when i see some animal all i see is dumb life. whatever, why should we care about this shit. I might not really go seal clubbin tomoro but i don't see why we should try to preserve the stupid life of some species. And don't give me all this sarcastic 'oh what would you prefer mcdonalds and shopping centres everywhere' bullshit either, like i'm advocating some sort of crude greedy consumption of the enviroment as a resource we are entitled to eat and use. I don't think this is right because it ends badly but i don't think respecting the harmonious balance of nature is anything other than dangerously retardedly stupid primitive shit. Remake nature, harvest it, redesign it, purge it of all useless or inhospitable desolate space or wasted matter. trees help us breath but i know that both the tree and our body can be redesigned and remade completely. i think this distinction between artificial man made stuff and 'nature' is a false one. i know there are plants being made into computer circuits, what i'm advocating is not some anti green fetish. More like don't be a fucking regressive hippie dreaming of living in the garden of eden because nature doesn't give a fuck about you. we had to struggle long and hard from the days of hunting dinosaurs with spears, we are still struggling now and will be for millions more years if we don't die out first. yeah, i know cutting down the rainforest was evil and we probably lost the cures for loads of diseases by getting rid of it, yeah i'm not advocating this, its wrong, but so is this holistic hippie return to mother gaia away from the evils of babylon shit. and don't say 'oh your so evil you just see animals as things to be used by people you don't respect their right to life!' noone and nothing has any right to anything, who decides their rights? You? why care about some pig or dog or whatever, why prolong that kind of existance intentionally? we should be trying to move away from our own aswell. i think there is some confused fear of something vital and inherent to existance being lost in artificiality, as if we have to conserve it or we will go extinct or something, as if we can go too far and get rid of some component of nature that sustains it all, and then go extinct, and this manifests itself in worship of the natural. anyway this post was inspired by watching the film of cormac mccarthy's the road which is pretty much how i live my life except i don't bother looking after any kid. if you have seen it you will be able to make more sense of what i'm getting at. In it there has been some sort of apocalypitic event that is not explained but the earth has stopped growing any food or anything and so people are nearly extinct and the few left resort to cannibalism or trying to find old cans of coke noone else has drank yet. i really like this movie, it is probably the second one i have actually enjoyed watching in like a year and the first one i have had absolutely no problems with in since forever. if anything it shows how urgently we need to harness nature for our own ends and gain power over its potential to devastate us, like what happened in haiti- good lesson for the return to nature crowd.