I read a great book about i, written in the 40's about how modern art had perverted the love of beauty into the narcissitic love of the shaman/artist. Instead of praising the natural world around us with art, artists began praising themselves as sopme sort of "sacred" founts of "ART".
in the rennaissance times, even the highest of artists was just a glorified craftsman, a person for hire to the highest bidder, (or ANY bidder if times were rough)
the idea that art was more dependent on the mind of the one making it than the actual resultng art piece is what twisted all this u[p I think.
everyone wants their artists to be shamanhealers, to be natural-born-seers, instead of the hardworking, tedius, process oriented creator of art opbjects that is a more accurate representation of the true artist.
beauty comes from effort.