Originally Posted by Green_mind
What do you mean by part of the soul? I think it must be solely the brain that allows us these feelings.
I have an Eastern perspective, where the life and essense of existence is not in the mind or knowledge, but in the heart or feelings which I have termed in this way "soul" but use whatever term you like..
The mind is the reaction of the soul. Logic is the result of feelings. In other words, the mental comprehension of the feeling of joy or fear, is not the source of the feelings themselves. The chemical reaction in the brain which we perceive as our feelings, is not the feelings themselves in this Eastern perspective, but rather is the material reaction to the feelings. The heart feels, and translates this experience into the mind through chemicals and math of the brain, but the experience is deeper. Music then, is not simply the chemcal reactions of the brain to the stimulus of vibrating air at a certain mathematical pattern or wavelengths, but rather the intrinsic feeling to these vibrations and the reactions there of..