Originally Posted by !@#$%!
every sperm is sacred
ahh, the psychology of sexuality stiffled by catholics.. don't feel bad baptists can be worse! At least the idea of sanctity gives a bit of purpose to abstainance, many baptists/protestants just have a lot of sexual guilt trips to complicate the expression of their sexuality.
ironically Orthodox does not necessarily have this problem, because culturally sexuality (at least hetero) has a lot more psychological freedom than in the West. An Orthodox Bishop explains this well in a discussion between the contrasting interpretations of The Fall and Adam and Eve narratives and their theoligical significance. Traditionally and cultural, many Eastern Orthodox thinkers interpret these stories in a spiritual way, and not really giving any sexual connotation, but many Western Christians strongly affiliate Original Sin and Sexuality. In fact in Western Christianity, sexuality itself can be seen as a manifestation of said Original Sin! Thats just a bunch of nonsense! The bible is actually a pretty kinky book, Christians should cut themselves a lot more slack in this regard