Originally Posted by pbradley
Fucking ex-Catholics all over the place.
that speaks volumes.. thats why I took this little survey, I was curious all the different perspectives. I myself was raised strict Baptist, like hard-core.. but I was not feeling all that baggage so I first became a jack ass and then I became a Rastafari, because Rastafari people are more accepting of jack-asses so long as they are sincere and their antagonism is the baggage of people's so-called religion, and not worship itself. I never rebelled against God, I always felt a need to worship, however I felt a lot of angst against the baggage of the institutions. Today I am an Orthodox convert to Ethiopian Orthodox, ironically a Church with perhaps the MOST cultural and historical baggage BUT buried in all the bullshit is one of the most sincere, authentic and beautiful renditions of Christian faith. Orthodox gave me a complex
language to
express my faith, one which my baptist upbringing was too stifling to develop.