Originally Posted by knox
Like I said, I understand exactly what you are saying. Personally, I think the answer to that is to effectively guarantee everyone's rights to individuality and choice, separating religion from laws and politics completely.
For that we need more education and tolerance, and perhaps making religion more unified and strong would actually go the opposite way.
I am not talking about unifying Christianity for old-time political clout like in Counter Reformation era. I am talking about honest Christians, who can deflect any of there political intentions or inclinations as Christians, should stop fighting against and condemning other Christians for purposes of denomination. Like peter tosh sang, "No mind denomination, that is all segregation.."
If we are Christians, we are all Christians, and until we begin to think that way, we will only be self-destructive. History powerfully demonstrates how dangerous Christians can be..
Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
I don't have enough generosity to be a Christian. How can I possibly spend so much time worrying about the problems of everyone else when I have more than enough on my own plate already?
Originally Posted by akprodr
I think the only real problem in the world today is lack of consideration for your fellow human beings.
I also think that, being raised a Catholic gives me a much better insight into how the rest of the world thinks. Its good as an upbringing but not that great as an actual religion. Abortion? Gays? I thought we were supposed to make up our own minds.
And for the record, everyone is entitled to MY opinion. AKA If I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you!
that is precisely the kind of cultural baggage I wanted to discuss! Another example many Anglicans are often carrying the cultural baggage of anti-Catholicism, almost being against anything remotely popish for the sake of spite alone! American Christians generally carry this same baggage, and the distance of time and place have greatly distorted it to the extreme that many americans are hateful bigots against Catholics but have no real knowledge or understanding of why..
When I talk to Christians of all denominations, what often shocks me the most is the amount of prejudice, ignorance and just plain baggage that these people are carrying, and for what? That is not Christianity! That is bullshit! Getting rid of the bullshit is what I am talking about, not necessarily make new bullshit to replace it