well, just something interesting i thought i would share before i forget, or somthin...
One day last summer. Summer was almost over.and mine and a freind's slpeeing schedule were very out of order. so we had an idea to stay up all night a few days before school started. our concept was simple. we would just stay up all night until its time to go to bed the next night. well we did that shit. passing the time anyway we could. playing video games. watching movies on the internet. literaly anything time consuming. everything was weird. it was almost like being on acid. (not that i would know how that feels. but from descriptions ive heard. that sounds about right). we went to McDonalds, and it was nuts. i was anxious and i really wanted to sleep. we ended up staying up for 36 hours. i havent even tried to contest this record of mine sense that day.