Originally Posted by amerikangod
America is behaving like every other country with power ever has, with mostly subtle differences. Some of these differences are comparatively better, some are comparatively worse.
It's not an issue of heritage or culture, it's an issue of being human animals. Speaking of things in terms of country ('America does this,' 'America did that') is an oversimplification that ultimately misses the mark.
Humans will act how they will act. Putting them into different contexts from one another will make them react somewhat differently, but at all times humans react how humans will react. Trying to paint fundamental differences is beyond illogical, it's uninformed.
just because humans make mistakes, does not mean that we should accept them as natural or necessary evils. And it is not an over-simplification.. if you are an american and you buy products, you contribute to the military-industrial complex, so like it or not, agree with it or not, myself and all other americans included, we all contribute to this disease. If you pay your taxes in America, you support the war effort, the CIA, the FBI, the corrupt and brutal police agencies etc etc etc.. The network of corruption and militarism is so deeply imbedded into the very fabric of american life-style that it is unavoidable. We all contribute..