Originally Posted by _slavo_
Been trying to do that almost all evening and I did not succeed. I'm a dumbass, that's for sure. Anyone can help with how to make an effect loop there? There's only one Effect Send output and no Effect return.
slavo just return the effect onto one or two of the regular channels at line level. fx send --> effects unit input / effects unit output --> line input 3/4 or 5/6 or 7/8 or 9/10 or even line input on channel 1 and 2.
also on the back of your effects machine, unless of course you are using a guit fx pedal there will or generally should be a -20/+4 dbu switch for the output level. i generally run these at -20 dbu due to the noise floor of most effects units but depending on what you have you may want to run it at +4dbu. if you are using guit effects pedals I would return the effect on channels 1 and/or 2 so you have more control over your gain stage. if you want a more thorough loo at this i can take some photos of how to do it on my studio gear.