Originally Posted by !@#$%!
you're crazy projectin', i don't give a shit. matter of fact i like rob lots though we often disagree on a lot of things, atsonicpark same thing (he likes fata morgana, i fall asleep to it, he also likes gory shit i dislike).
you're the one bringing on the twattery by making ad-hominems against people who disagree with you instead of arguing your point. but if you must know, no, my ego doesn't get bruised when people disagree with me-- it grows even more fabulous in the realization of its rarity and exquisiteness--- haa ha ha haa. (that was a joke-- just in case you didn't get it).
but seriously, why are you so in need of other people's agreement? the fun of discussion is to see other people's points of view and making yours. don't get butthurt just cuz i hate your idol's work. you should thank me for showing you a perception of the universe that's never occurred to you-- that james cameron is indeed a hammy fuck with a lot of money.
i gotta go do some food shopping so i'll reply later if you retort here.
Are you and the other Herzog fanboys normally this volatile, throwing apoplectic fits whenever someone has the "temerity" to criticise the man you laughably deify?