Originally Posted by The Earl Of Slander
Yeah! Also, I'm all for fucked up amoral movies, but something about it was, in a way that's difficult to put down, just the wrong kind of fucked up. Like it wasn't FUN fucked up, but it wasn't really DARK fucked up or making a point with it either, it seemed. Like it was just there to pretty much despise all of humanity, which made it kind of something I didn't feel I got anything out of. And the acting was roundly pretty off too, like really stilted and unconvincing. And the script was awful in places.... In fact, the more I think about it the less I thought it was really worthwhile at all. What am I missing here?
I did not finish it. I could not bring myself top give a flying FUCK about any of the stupid, idiotic, reprehensible, morons in this fucking waste of time. I got maybe 45 minutes in.