Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Hmmm, freaky sci fi shit
Hardware (cyberpunk thriller, gory killin, drugs)
Tesuo Iron man (you prolly already seen it. cyberpunk freakout of high order)
Event Horizon (horror sci-fi outer space killins)
Solaris (russian one space out to it, let it soak you in, no sound in space)
fifth element (what all filmed versions of Heavy metal stories wish they were)
Primer (low-budget film about time travel. very cool)
Titan A.E. (don bluth sci fi animation. cool if hokey at times. not so much killins)
Naked Lunch (not really sci fi but weird enough to mess ya up)
Galaxy Quest (spoof/satire of Trek/fandom in general. very funny.)
Tron (so dated it's new again. watch it for kicks)
The Adventures of Buckaroo banzai in the 8th dimension (weird movie, weird story, not yr normal sci fi. weirded me out as a kid)
Brazil (dystopia and totalitarian madness from themind of Gilliam)
They Live (near-future bleakness, humanity controled, roddy piper saves the day with an 8 minute fight scene.)
Pitch Black (spare story of peopel stranded on planet where the suns never go down, or does it? Violence. tension,. vin diesel)
The Cube ( harsh gory story of people trapped and tortured by their surroundings)
Ghost In The Shell (anime about how much remains human when the body is replaced slowly by machine)
Strange Days ( not perfect but crazy flick about near future where people's experiences are downloaded to sell to others so they can relive them)
Twelve Monkeys (dystopian future tries to prevent itself by tim travel back to our time. bleak and tense)
Dark City (man wakes up in the middle of the night to find his city rearranging itself around him.)
Pi (man's obsession with numbers drives him to insanity)
Gattaca (Eugenics drives humanity to new heights in which the wrong DNA can mark you for death)
just a short list of some I enjoy
excellent. you should check out zizek's take on they live. in the mouth of madness is also another fantastic john carpenter film. i haven't seen tesuo, dark city, hardware or primer, will check them out soon.
if you haven't seen it already la jetee is a short black and white film that 12 monkeys was based on.