Originally Posted by looking glass spectacle
Student Says Vomiting on Painting Was an Artistic Act
Published: Wednesday, December 4, 1996
When a museumgoer vomited on a Mondrian masterwork at the Museum of Modern Art in New York last month, museum officials called it ''an unfortunate incident'' and said the young man involved had apparently not done anything deliberate to harm the painting.
But now the man, a 22-year-old Toronto art student, has acknowledged that he intentionally defaced the painting, ''Composition in Red, White and Blue,'' in what he contended was an artistic statement about ''oppressively trite and painfully banal'' art.
hahah awesome, i fucking hate mondrian. de stijl is the worst cop out excuse for art. i think really i just hate primary colors though.
fuck those jeans btw. i can make those in 5 minutes plus theyd look way doper if i did it. wtf is that color in there, PEACH?? NO ONE LIKES PEACH.