I'd attack it from a different angle. I wouldn't make it a pissing match about what she wants you to do .... you're not going to win. Instead, I'd make it an issue about the schedule change. If the schedule was posted saying you were to report at one time and then she wanted you to come in a half hour earlier, just say that you made plans AFTER the schedule was posted and you can't make it in until your scheduled time. I'm not exactly an expert at labor law, but I have managed businesses in the past and l know that in certain cases a posted work schedule is considered a legal document and can't be changed without the employee's permission. If it's that big a deal to you, you may want to check with the company's HR department ... or even your state's labor board.
"don't worry about that," says the angel,
"soon she'll be stinking in bed with a brainless dick."