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Old 10.29.2009, 01:52 PM   #55
invito al cielo
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Location: I moved from hillbilly Florida to hillbilly Alabama
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SONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by Lurker
But if was a good thing why does God tell Adam and Eve NOT to eat from the tree of knowledge?
Because he knows that they will anyway. God loves a sinner who has chosen him after tasting sin because the love has not been forced. Therefore sin had to be created for a choice to be given.

Example in the prodigal son parable or just listen to the Rolling Stones song if you need a recap

If the meaning of the parables was just told to them in simple commands then surely that would be easier to understand than the parables? And if the these simple commands were things they "had no knowledge" of then why would the parables be relevant either as they are giving these commands/advice but in a different for.

I can't put any better than rob "parables are giving wisdom, not instructions. commands give instructions.

the ten commandments for example, were intended solely as instructions by which a very large (several thousand) group of drifter nomad people with different backgrounds (though all hebrews) could survive and not kill each other as they mad their way through adesert for 40 years.
the 10 commandments were never intended to be a guide fo all people in all places to live by.

in the allegory of the bible, the new testament superceds the old ten commandments with just one sentence. The goldn rule"

Knowledge=enlightenment see my last post

That was analogy as a parable is open to interpretation and is going to be harder to understand than simply being told "do this, do that". A parable requires a higher level of intellectual sophistication rather than a lower level.

It is not about being told what to do. It is understanding what is right and choosing to do it.

The smart ones have more trouble believing than the dumb ones. They depend on their own superiority rather than looking outside of themselves.