10.29.2009, 12:42 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: I moved from hillbilly Florida to hillbilly Alabama
Posts: 3,723
Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
the parable of the garden of eden contains MANY references.
the creation of eve was intended to keep man from "loving" the animals. read bout it.
The eating of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil is about maturation as a species, as humans instead of animals. Humans know right from wrong, and choose to do either. animals just do what feels good at the moment, whether that is eat, fuck, run, or kill.
The story of Cain and Abel is an allegory describing how humans should value each other's lives, as if we are all related. the original CRIME, killing another human.
remember that the bible was written by and for scholars, intelligent, literate people in a world of ill-informed, chaotic, illiterate people.
the parables in the bible are not meant for easy consumption by the stupid.
that is what scientology and Republican conservatism is for.
They are meant for reflection, and insight.
no one wrote down anything jesus said. his teachings ahd to be transcribed as allegory and story to get his points accross. the earliest of the gopspels was written over 100 years after Christ's death.
Rep ya if i could 